Month: December 2011

England Museum

Over the years, have been excavated, built a new building a hospital, the blue pool, a tea pavilion and many other beautiful buildings. History of the second. A piano kept in the museum piano, he was more than 200 years. It was brought to New Zealand the first settlers from England. A certain family (can not remember her name), going to a new residence, brought a piano. Upon arrival at the piano was unloaded on the shore, but refused to deliver on this rather heavy tool, but can not say that it was very cumbersome. The owners of the piano began to build a house near the place where it stood. While the house was built for the family and for their piano masters tools every day, played it right on the beach …

Piano and his owners had to endure a lot over the years. Now is the time when it came completely useless, because he just slept pegs and other details, but none has been lost. Everything was once collected and sent to England for repairs. After a long time an updated piano returned to New Zealand and found refuge in a school for girls. And in 1989, was transferred forever in a museum. I do not know, but it is possible that the film PIANO was made based on this story. Day Two.

On this day, we visited two museums in the open. BURIAL Village and Thermal Village. Approximately half an hour from Rotorua museum. His name – Funeral VILLAGE (BURIED VILLAGE), and the name of the village TE WAIROA, and do not try to read a word of English, or find its value.

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Properties And Application Of Water-borne Primers

At the present time are very common all kinds of universal water-borne primer based on acrylic materials. Such compositions provide excellent adhesion to painted material, as well as fit application of latex, acrylic and alkyd paints. So they are suitable for priming the surfaces of concrete, plaster, gypsum board, wood, fiberglass and materials. Today, the production of primer compounds, as water-based and alkyd (GF-021 primer), takes into account the type of work surface: brick, concrete or plaster, plasterboard, wood, plaster walls or ceilings. Depending on the conditions operating surfaces, which use the soil and the type of enamel (eg, enamel PF-115), chosen method of finishing. For the initial surface preparation used primer improves the adhesion between the layers of finishing materials – such soils are called primer-primer. The more expensive coat, the more strictly they are distinguished by appointment, the better their quality and they are generally more environmentally friendly.

In the application of a comprehensive coverage of each paint layer is preferable to use a primer, for example between the wall and plaster, stucco and putty, putty and between enamel. Before choosing a primer is necessary to pay attention to the porosity of the surface and its moisture absorbing capacity. For low porous, dense grounds is better to use primer with excellent adhesion. Loose and porous surfaces only qualitatively stronger ground with the properties of deep penetration. Must keep in mind that in this case, primer application rate of increase. Universal primers for mineral surfaces are used for priming the average porosity of materials. Thus, the concrete walls are difficult to strike the first, an initial layer of plaster.

No primer is not necessary. For work in high humidity is required to use special formulations for priming. Here unpaved required to build on the painted surface moisture layer. Blocks of plaster before tiling reupload should definitely primed. The primer should be absorbed and create a protective film that prevents tile adhesive to lose moisture as dried glue becomes unstable and a tile with the passage of time is likely to fall off. When you create a comprehensive paint is wise to use primers and enamels the same manufacturer. This will get the best result. Every serious manufacturer launches its range of materials and ensures the compatibility of different products with their integrated use. For best results, the most important type and purpose of the primer, not the number of used product per unit area. And do not forget that good coverage can not be obtained without competent compliance with technical standards and regulations.

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Company Selects In Installation Of Stretch Ceilings

This information is intended for those who do not want to buy a pig in a poke. You have decided to get rid of the faded paint, loose plaster, escaping Rustam on his ceiling and order quality suspended ceiling. For this, you see advertisements in newspapers and the Internet, companies that sell and install suspended ceilings Mytishchi, and of course, call a few ads, that would find the company that will meet your cost and quality of services offered. But that would make the right choices you need to know this! It often happens that instead of the original stretch ceiling, the buyer slip a fake, which he did not mean to the ceiling is not in writing, where it is made. Won a few tips on how to buy real quality ceiling and not fall into the hands of fraudsters. Obey the following rules. When choosing a company pay an installer attention on how the announcement is made and that it is written in the text should be not only a mobile phone number, but always steady.

The company itself must be formally registered. If this is the dealer, then He must have a certificate for the right to view the brand in your area or the relevant agreement. The company must be licensed or certified set the state standard. They should be brought to your first request. Another point to which attention must be: necessary to have a company representative who comes to you on average, own, original brand directory with samples of the film. The cost of producing such large directories, and firms that invested in their creation, can guarantee the quality of the materials and perform their works.

Unlike companies, which show the customer a simple trimming of the film, taken from nowhere, or the producer of the film sample catalogs that they can be bought for 300 rubles. Be sure to compare prices on ceilings from several companies. Too low prices may indicate that you offer the installation of stretch ceiling with cheap components that may be short-lived and detrimental to health. It often happens that on the phone You declare a small cost that would lure in "their network", but stopped coming when their representative, the total cost increases at least 1.5! Explaining the complexities of installation or has other reasons – so Dear clients, companies do not work! The basic and crucial fact that the company that you order a suspended ceiling, do not deceive you and make all qualitatively – is a contract. It is a contract in which will be spelled out in detail all the conditions and settle disputes, will not leave you without money, with poor ceiling. Do not forget that the existence of a detailed and signed contract gives you 100% guarantee to get through the court company to fulfill its promises.

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