If the student does not learn of who is the responsibility? How to ignore the paper of the school and mainly of the professor in this task? The school has, amongst its functions, to educate transmitting its students a set of knowledge that exceed the learned ones in the familiar way. This learning is mediated by the professor, who must not only withholds the knowledge, but the capacity to modify knowing so that if transforms into something ensinvel and with felt for its learning. The professor, inside of this perspective, must have conditions to make joints between knowing pertaining to school to them and the knowledge of the student, therefore to teach itself was only question of ' ' to give aula' ' , to fulfill schedules and to give account of the listing of contents, everything would be simple and any person could occupy this place, however, far from this, she searchs and she is needed qualified professionals and in continuous formation. Of all the factors that influence the quality of the work of the school, the professor is, without a doubt, most determinative. The formation makes difference.
Of it they result to know, methodologies, resources of that the necessary professor to infect the student instigating the curiosity, provoking it to see and to make new things, but this it will only launch hand of this practical when it will be stimulated to make it, and without a doubt the stimulaton has broken of the interaction professor-student-knowledge. The initial and continued formation of professors in Brazil possesss historical trajectory and partner-epistemolgica, marked for different 4 trends, emergent of different conceptions of education and society. On the basis of the readings and interviews, we want to demonstrate as the formation of the professor and formation models are strategical for the result of its work, producing a reflection on practical pedagogical of classroom and its influence in the process of learning of the student, as well as pontuar the importance of the reflexiva attitude for the professional development.