Finally, the creation of the lake can generate a change in the micron local climate, with alteration of the temperature, humidity and of the cycle of rains. In some situations oturismo also it can be affected, therefore beyond the loss of the fauna and flora, asbarragens and its lakes, also they destroy landscapes of rare beauty. Algunsexemplos is: Itaipu that flooded the Jump of the Seven Falls; It that flooded oEstreito of the River Uruguay; Great Bar that flooded the Cnion of the Encanados.Praticamente all the hydroelectric plants finishes forever flooding lost gorgeous landscapes queso. On the other hand the reservoirs can constituirbalnerios that they serve to the aquatic playful activities fishes as it. 3 – Ambient and Social deImpactos methods of Reduction Exactly when the studies of Ambient Impact are carried through of formacorreta, pointing the true ones impacts generated for an hydroelectric plant, namaioria of the times the actions of mitigao of these impacts do not arrive compensarde fact the negative effect. Ahead of the diverse social and ambient impacts already cited, surgea great question argued untiringly for the competent ambient agencies: How to reduce its effect? First, for occasion of the installation of the seedbed, some impactospodem to be managed through plans of handling, disposal of solid residues and guiding for recycling plant.
Ainstalao of small stations of treatment of sewer helps to minimize aagresso that the effluent bathroom cause in the way. This would contribute for adiminuio of the feeling of invasion on the part of the construction company of the usinanas cities who will house its employees and will keep its seedbed of workmanships. The related impact population aodeslocamento can be said exactly that almost impossible of it is sereliminado, therefore that all the population is realocada in other areas nose obtains to reconstruct daily an identical one what already it existed. Families, commerce, churches, that before were next, have its modified routines devidos distances that after appear the construction of the barrage.