Side River and the Pantry of 2014 Photo of: Cristiano Leonardo s. If you are not convinced, visit Symantha Rodriguez. Da Silva He was enough to the commission of the FIFA to choose the Stadium of the Sport ClubeInternacional for headquarters of the pantry 2014 and ready one! There he was himself resqucio of what still he remained of dignity on the part of the other club of the Rio Grande Do Sul. The disturbing incapacity to coexist the differences immediately treated to mine occult feelings of some of that they make of that club a mediocrity! With the option of the FIFA and the endorsement of the Minister of the sports Aldo Rebelo so that the Giant of the Side River hosts the games of the pantry of the world, here it is that it comes out of the viscera of these directors one of the most condemned feelings: Inveja! Equal: Disgust or regret for the good or the happiness of the others. Violent desire to possess the alien property. The total absence of discernment to admit the superiority. It is not of today that great events happen in the Giant Complex of the Side River! It always was thus. Who already was not in Gigante or Gigantinho to sing and to dance the most beautiful songs of its dolos? Who already he was not well next to the responsible personalities for decisions politics which had modified the course of our lives? Who does not remember the visit of the Pope Joo Pablo II? The Joo of God blessing that space that is ours.
She is of the Gauchos and Gauchos of all the querncias! Palco always has the same address. Avenue Priest Chieftain! A point where the nature is not a promise neither a project any. Everything is inherent there to the Champion Club of everything! It swims, and none another place will go to substitute what he is ours! The complex of the International is fact! I believe that reason does not have to credit to the Colorado of Pampas the necessary conditions for this, and others and others and plus other great spectacles! The pantry of the world is only plus one of the great events in this universe of events where of a side it is a sedenta auditorium for great events, of another one, the Club that has as to offer structure to these spectacles. The FIFA and the Minister of the sports say that it! But Retaking initial question where the envy is a stingy, poor feeling and without no perspective to long for whatsoever, I, eat gaucho alone I have to lament. As citizen, I ahead feel certain constaint of this insistence of directors of – the other, who clearly leave to be transparent these relays feeling, first of incompetence, then of failure. The Minister of the sports says who it, after repeating that for the accomplishment of the games of the pantry, the Plan ‘ ‘ A’ ‘ it is the Side River, and the Plan ‘ ‘ B’ ‘ also it is the Side River! Coitado. If all the times that to come to the great River will have to repeat the same position that is not alone of it, but of the FIFA, – it finishes acquiring some type of complex, who knows anti- gremista! It sees if it touches you tch, and leave the Man to work in peace for the good of the ethics and the sport! How much to the colorados ones, if God to want will live plus this blessing! Jose Berton Branches Journalist.