Probably already it must have repaired that many users of the social nets are to integrate videos in its profiles of form to become the visits of its friends in a more interesting experience. That is small tutorial for demonstrating as well as you can add any video to it of its affability to its profile in the social net of its choice. Perhaps you think that it is necessary to lodge the video in some proper server or something it gnero. But this is not necessary; biggest the parts of the sites that contain videos allow publish them it in any place without you at least to arrive to have that to be worried about nothing. All what it has that to make is to find its or its videos preferred in a site as the YouTube and to look for the section that ' says; ' Incorporar' '. To add the videos to the Hi5 (or any another place) it will have that to enter in its account of user and to edit its profile.
The edition of its profile will be made in the section where you want that the video appears, and the only thing that has that to make it is ' ' copiar' ' ' ' colar' ' the available code in the section ' ' incorporar' ' of the video that it chose. After this it will only have that ' ' guardar' ' its profile and to go to see if the video already are available all to see. In the FaceBook it is different. It will have that, first to install an application as ' ' YouTube Box' Video; ' that it is available in the section of applications of the FaceBook in set with other applications. After to have installed the application it will go to ask for to it that she publishes a video. Instead of using the code ' ' incorporar' ' she will have to use the URL of the video, that is the complete address of the website (example: ), she will have that copying and glue in the application that will be to use and later is alone to clicar in keeping. Perhaps now it wants to see some Videos Funny or if to like videos of accidents can visit the site!