It was a time in a pretty forest, one fadinha called Polegarzinha, it adored flowers and therefore casinha took care of of them all the mornings in the garden of its. However one day while it took a walk found a brush that cantarolava, caught in rabinho of the brush and started to write in the pretty panel of the blue butterfly. Derepente looks at pra a side, looks at for the other and sees pretty sapinho, all wet, it played in the lagoon. More ahead a boy had forgotten a small ball, very curious Polegarzinha decided to play with it, rolls daqui, rolls of there and epaaaaaa, slid, was to fall direct in a tunnel, was dark and it did not see nothing, when it saw a light was in a strange world, where of face it found a hammer. The Hammer started to speak: _Ei, psiu, of where you is? Polegarzinha said: _Ow, I are there of the world of the flowers, and I who I ask myself, where we are? you say Martelinho? Martelinho balanced the head, and said: _ What it finds? But it is clearly that I speak, only looks at, you is in the magical world. It comes I go to show some interesting things to you. Polegarzinha half it was scared, but it was.

Martelinho said pra it: _Esta seeing that one casinha? There they live the Red Small hat, the blue one and the yellow, they are three Small hats Soon ahead deferred payment one anozinho, it lives with sleep, is the Soneca. Polergazinha catches this caderninho and starts to write down, said the Martelinho. In this place very, much, much, very distant live one lady who very likes to help people whom the sad heart has, is Mrs. Fita Wide Durex, it helps glue it the torn into pieces hearts. Polergazinha said: _OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO of this same size That good that exists objects thus, I say ladies thus Also it has a Tesourinha to cut the things sad of the life and to always place happy engravings in the place of the sad ones. after that sees that Glue, it always glue good things as the smile in our life. Polergazinha never more saw torn into pieces hearts, nor children without smiles, but it said to the Hammer: necessary _Agora to go even so, to take care of of my flowers, them is dying of headquarters, was to know you to a pleasure, goes up until my house one day goes to take a tea with me. _Sim, said the Hammer, will go yes and take with me some books for counting histories to it, therefore I adore to read, and to read makes pra well soul, engradece the soul. Saying farewell Polergazinha as that in a magician pass already it was in its house, hour to sleep, and today it will go to dream of all those magical objects, leaves Polegarzinha to enter in its dreams and counts for it on its magical objects