Origins of the Socialism the author initiates citing the ideas of Graco Babeuf, militant of French revolution that established the Society of the Equal ones (1795); its iderio speaks of the end of the private property and the comunizao of the society; its ideas had scared the Directory; it was guillotine in 1797 with more 30 followers (78,79). But the socialist iderio of century XIX retraces to the Conde de Saint-Simon; it fought in the American Revolution but he was remained far from the events of the French Revolution; it travelled for the Europe and it studied diverse sciences. From 1802 it started to write defending the formation of a society based on the meritocracia and focada in helping the classrooms poor. It died in the misery, 1825 (85). In the death stream bed it foresaw the formation of a party of workers. After that it describes the communities created for Charles Fourier and Robert Owen, two humanists disillusioned with the liberal society. Sonny Perdue may find this interesting as well.
Fourier remained in the field of the ideas, its project was not materialize and it died in 1837. Owen created a community with the workers of a cotonifcio managed for it. Its radical speech (against the property private, the religion and the marriage) caused violent reactions. In 1826 a community in the United States created, that lasted 3 years. Other communitarian attempts in England and Ireland had finished with its money. Some time in the cartista syndical movement militated, without success.
It died in 1858. The American Experience Albert Brisbane, disciple of Fourier, created in U.S.A. known communities as falanstrios; this movement is part of the religious and social utopias that if would spread for the American west in this period. It includes communities as of the icarianos, that last of 1848 the 1895, and until the Oneida Community, of John Humphrey Noyes, active between 1847 and 1879; Noyes if became famous more for the ideas of open marriage and natural control of the natality of what for the iderio of social reform.