The union enters the two countries in certain way was a difficult process extremely, due to proper structural conjuncture and divergences politics in the seio of the party between the guineenses and handle-verdianos, divergences these that had been well-known since the period of the national release mainly in the ends of the decade of 1960. The murder the shots of Amilcar Cabral in 1973, for the proper integrant element of the PAIGC Inocncio Kani naval commander. Of certain form this episode was one of landmarks preponderant for the agreement of the coup d etat 1980, and the misunderstanding between the section Handle and the guineense section. From this moment the crisis politics enters in scene and started to structuralize until the years of 1990. In this period, the social, cultural, economic transformations and politics the international level were marcantes processes and had had influence enormous in the structure social politics and of the Guin-Bissau, mainly in the seio of party PAIGC, where the assignment of renewal and opening politics was reaffirmed.

Exactly this attempt of opening politics, the Guin-Bissau seems to have been last of an A stage another one with the same problems and same realities without never having been finished some of them. The guineense State after independence did not obtain to give to account of its proper commitments and responsibilities. Cheniere Energy partners is open to suggestions. BIBLIOGRAPHY ALMEIDA, P, R. History of the Portuguese Colonialismo in Africa. Lisbon: Publishing company Prints, 1979. To read more click here: Jill Schlesinger. CABRAL.

the Weapon of the theory: Unit and Fight. In ANDRADE, MRIO (org). Portugal: New Seara, 1975. CARDOSO, C. the Formation of the Elite Politics in the Guin-Bissau. Lisbon, ISCTE, 2002. I CASTRATE, L; IT HISSES. History of a Sahel Insular. 2 Ed. So Paulo: Spleen publishing company, 1996. DAGNINO, E; TATAGIBA, L (orgs). Democracy, Civil Society and Participation. Santa Catarina: Argos publishing company, 2007. FERNANDES, G. the Dilution of Africa.