The text finishes searching to point some ‘ ‘ pistas’ ‘ for the evangelizadora action and the pastoral work. Japanese Engineers follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. It is fact that if could not keep a manual, or to try to construct it, under the penalty of if falling in a useless casuistry. It could not better calhar some notes that can be read ‘ ‘ inculturados’ ‘ , if it has better place to fit the term, in accordance with the diverse realities that if present in Brazil. But, of all form, the good intentions do not only become sufficients and, therefore, the text searchs to exortar the members of the Church, together with the Ministers, to take the front to the placed perspectives however. Of this form, ‘ can be said that; ‘ Diretrizes’ ‘ they load, in its set, a valuable number of ideas and pastorais actions, which must be taken in urgent way, as urgent are the existence of the proper text. Above all, she is necessary, and this idea that perpassa entirely the document and locks up this work, that the diverse communities, spread for Brazil, do not forget themselves to reaffirm its commitment of faith and the solidity of its truth without, however, to be left to become sectrias, ostracistas, so to speak. FINAL CONSIDERAES After these reflections, brief, however enough in what if it considers, can be given a cbjetivo in this work, not, however, in what it intends. If is well truth, on the other hand, that the quarrel proposal regarding the text comes here to develop the reflection on what the same searchs, is also, and not little truth that the same one is not considered and would not obtain it if wanted to deplete it.

The action of the communities, the thought of faith of these e, on the other hand, the action of the universities and theological ways cannot stop, nor, of any form, if limit to the reading of this or that text. The finding here, then, consists, not less than to find, before a reply, an invitation, before a dogma, a dialogue, under the risk to see me interpreted the analogy. That this way, renascido in the Church, especially after its last one I conciliate, I can continue being trod, also, between those and those that if consider to this delicate dialogue between the faith and the reason. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES National Conference of the Bishops of Brazil.