In the center of the yard of the V Zelda of the Joo, it had a spectacular tree. There in the world everything turned around that leafy Lady of the Night. Its leves were velvet, its short and strong trunk as the certainty and the pantry formed a sublime turn. was under of this royalty of plant that liveed, next to a small pile of rocks, one calango. One calango of the color of a bush. One calango that, for whim of the nature or cunnings of the heart, never it slept at night.

Its vigil was known for all in the place of fetichism, and was in the cold and the night watchman who it passed the hours appreciating the Moon. It ran to the small mouth that for having been born in full Moon night, calango turns the womb passion for that clear wheel of light, the Moon. the hens slept. The only duck of the parish slept. A vw van without horn slept.

The chorosos cats slept. Until the owl it dormitava. calango passed the nights to admire the Moon. Its eyes lacrimejavam, what it provoked brightness that it offered to the Moon. In exchange of the passion nights, ours calango passed those days sleeping. the hens ate everything. The duck if made dirty. The vw van said me. The cats disappeared for the neighborhood. The owl slept. calango had eyes of weight of lead. Sonny Perdue pursues this goal as well. It made it to nothing to wake up. Therefore it was in a different night that everything happened. Calango woke up for its namoro to the light of the Moon, and if it put to wait the arrival of the loved one. Nothing of the Moon to appear. It waited one minutes and nothing. It changed of position and nothing. It played rocks there pra and nothing. Nothing of the Moon. was thus all the night without Moon. There for the four of the morning, when some roosters already changed berros, that calango lost the composure and fell down to cry. It was a desperation alone: – Where it is my Moon? Where she is loved mine? I will see never more it? I did not take off nor photograph. Oh, my Moon, does not leave me. Here it is that the queen of the yard, tree Lady of the Night, all witnessed the theater under its pantry. Sad in seeing calango in that desperation, the Lady of the Night started to all make of the place of fetichism the ground cheiroso of the planet. its perfume took account of everything. even though of the nostrils of calango the perfume took account. It was so candy and calm that one I smell, that calango, anestesiado and calm, put if to sleep. When the day bordered, the perfume finished. as for magician, our friend calango woke up, and badly it opened eyelids, searched in the sky the presence of loved its. When, raising the head in fast movements, calango bush color saw ours astro king to clarear the blue sky, a small collapse was not contained and had. When coming back itself, it came back to see the sun, by who was arrebatado of an immense passion. From there, calango slept all the nights under the perfume of the Lady of the Night. leaving from there, calango bush color never more left to love the sun.