With the baptism of the king of the Congo, in Mbanza, in Africa in 1491, this if he refused to deliver as enslaved, free men and alone he accepted comoescravos the captured ones in the war. Was also opposed to the commerce of the Christians vi. But four years before the arrival of the Portuguese noBrasil the first Brotherhood of the Rosary of the Slaves in Lisbon is established, he was em14/07/1496, with the Brotherhood of Ours Lady of the Rosary of the Black Men vii. The license granted to them the right to collect almses in caravelas that they went paraa Mine and the rivers of the Guin. A Church of the Rosary is constructed for return of they 1500em the Island of Santiago, in the Old city, the Green Handle. in 1526 is established aprimeira Brotherhood of N. Mrs.
Of the Rosary in Africa, in the Island of Is Tom. In Brazil the first Brotherhood of the Rosary of the Black color that setem notice was of 1552 in Goiana (FOOT), where many slaves were deGuin viii. Party of the Rosary: Araua. MG – 2001 WWW.religiosidadepopulr.uaivip.com.br Almost one hundred years later the Brotherhoods of Ours doRosrio Lady of the Black Men proliferates in Brazil: In 1639 in the city of the eJaneiro River (RIO DE JANEIRO); Em1674 in Recife (FOOT); Em1682, Belm (Par); In 1686 in Salvador (BA); In 1708 in So Joo Del Rei (MG), em1713 in Waterfall of the Field (MG), in 1713 in Sabar (MG), em1715 in OuroPreto (MG), 1728 in Serra (MG) and 1782 in Paracatu (MG); In 1711 in So Paulo (SP); In 1771 in Cairo (RN) and 1754 in Viamo (RS), 1773 in Mostardas (RS) and 1774 emRio Pardo (RS) ix. All these Brotherhoods still keep today its devotion to the NossSenhora of the Rosary with its Maria Jose in River Grande.Com the military had come its slaves.