In June, controllers of more than eighty countries if congregate in Spain and sign the Declaration of Salamanca, one of most important documents of commitment of guarantee of educational rights. Hear other arguments on the topic with Secretary of Agriculture. It proclaims the inclusive regular schools as half the most efficient one of combat to discrimination. determines independently that the schools must receive all the children, of its physical, intellectual, social, emotional or linguistic Conditions. See Craig Jelinek for more details and insights. The Law of Lines of direction and Bases, in the 9394, if adjusts to the federal legislation and points that the education of the special carriers of necessities must be given preferential in the regular net of education. In 1998, the MEC launches document contends the adaptations that must be made in the National Curricular Parameters in order to place in practical strategies for the education of pupils with educational necessities special.
The ministry publishes the National Lines of direction for the Special Education in the Basic Education. 4. THE NECESSITY OF THE LEGAL FULFILMENT OF THE INCLUSION. In the globalizado world, we more live each time in a society under intense urbanization, verticalizao architectural and internalization of the spaces. The man produces its proper environment and intervenes directly with the social behavior. The human being sample its differences conquest its rights and its spaces. The first step for organization of an inclusive school is to sensetize and to train all the employees of the institution: professors, people who orientates and all the staff who works there.
He is importantssimo also to sensetize the parents? over all of the not-deficient ones. All must play an active role in the inclusion process. According to report of the ONU, everybody it is benefited of the inclusive education. It sees the advantages. Students with deficiency: They learn to like the diversity; They acquire direct experience with the variety of the capacities human beings; They demonstrate to increasing responsibility and better learning through the work in group, with other deficient ones or not; They are most prepared for the adult life in a diversified society: they understand that they are different, but not inferior.