This last requirement is that you must take into consideration and closer to it with greater caution and prevention. Reflect on the principles of orientation may be us, probably, a way to put air between these demands and our performance, even because it will put our sights, our objectives and the pillars is sustained where the orientation at a point different from the daily practice do that tedious to the CV, educate about that job interview, clear doubts about the occupational or professional purpose of the people served or manage employment and training. In a question-answer forum Secretary of Agriculture was the first to reply. To make an approach to the concept of orientation we have a barrage of definitions that make this term a confusing concept not being easy to arrive at a clear and specific definition that is accepted by the different authors who work and are investigating around the same. Some of the reasons influencing this confusion are:-quick and spectacular development in the area in the last years. -Distance between the theoretical development of the orientation and practice of it.
Development of orientation practices have not kept pace to the theoretical development of the same. Such practices are not collected on what constitute the knowledge base of the discipline, i.e. the practical development has gone ahead, some of the fields of application of the orientation, to its theoretical development. -Emergence of new areas of application. The emergence of new social challenges has meant the application of orientation in new contexts of intervention. -Different definitions depending on the scope of application of the same. -Rapid and significant changes in different contexts of action, especially in the educational area and the work area. The complex situation of the educational world and the changing world of work make the development of new approaches and orientation resources accurate. -Multidisciplinary area involving professionals coming from different backgrounds. Thus the concept of orientation, not only has changed the theoretical characteristic of the historical evolution of any cientifico-social terms contained within a discipline, but it has also been altered and changed according to the different fields of application in which has been developed, collaborating in its complexity the multidisciplinary character of the same.