For the homosexuals, one of the main advantages of if frequenting environments LGBT is in the fact to allow a bigger approach between people, what it becomes the place a way of involving personal propagation, since makes possible the sharing. This, however, if of the one for the fact to have here, group of people who take care of to the specific interests of the human being in sociability terms, a time that the individuals need ones the others for a bigger social interaction, what it is resultant for the promotion of the social bow. This bow is kept through the forms for which the freqentadoras of these places if communicate collectively. It is a form with that the lesbians if make entire socially, a time that the social interaction is the base of the social life, therefore is at this moment where it has exchanges to know and experiences. This social interaction is based on the logic that the style of life of the homosexuals is total opposing to that one had as traditional, that is, an alternative style of life. The practical homosexuals only pass to be faced as a simple form of refusal of the model of traditional life, pautado in the social values where he has a supervaluation of the heterossexualidade and a inferiorizao of the homossexualidade. For this reason he is that, in this environment, the lesbians integrate a had scene as a moment where the same ones long for.

They live deeply the moment as ideal form of treatment waited in the society in affective and sexual terms. At this moment, them they abandon the conventions of the daily one and start to try a reality where all meet integrated in one same platform, without differences. This occurs because this space is seen as acolhedor environment, where is possible to express feelings, without the discriminatory looks if present.