Information exists by itself, does not require the existence of a subject who holds it. Knowledge provides some skill for one who possesses it. Although it is advantageous to have access to certain information, this does not imply an ability for who access it. The transmission of knowledge involves more or less time depending on the complexity of the teaching-learning process, in which experimentation plays a fundamental role. The transmission of information is immediate and requires only the proper support. The concept of knowledge classifications: to clarify the different dimensions of knowledge in an organization have developed several classifications, including:-knowledge coded and non-coded knowledge: for Wei Choo (1999), encoded knowledge is the It can be stored or put in writing unless it is incurred if incorrect information losses, while the non-coded refers to that which cannot be captured in writing or stored, without losing the essential aspects of the experience to which refers, how to recognize a face, operate complex machinery or playing the piano…

remains enclosed within the mind, either because it is difficult to express, or because you decide that you should be kept there. – public knowledge and personal knowledge: public knowledge is distinguished because it is easy to share, is knowledge created and disseminated in society, is divided into public knowledge coded and non-coded public knowledge. Encoded public knowledge is that is expressed in formal or informal, printed sources such as books, newsletters, magazines, so it stays static over time. This type of knowledge encoded slowly goes by binding to form a dense waterproof fabric consisting of facts, categories and concepts that they can be difficult to modify; in other words, acquires inertia over time. For its part, non-coded public knowledge is one that is built on group, two or more people discuss, share and analyze information around a topic, which is not necessarily systematized or codified in a document, but it is understandable and can reach up to reflection and configuration of conclusions and assumptions common to all members of the group.