Regardless of which one may be for or against the new proposal from magna carta of the Ecuador, one thing is clear. It’s a constitutional draft which introduces a number of developments in relation to the integration of diasporas in the national system. It is estimated that there are more than 20 million Latin Americans living outside their homeland and that there are about 50 million people of Latin American origin residing in North America, Europe and Asia. In the Americas there have been hundreds of constitutions but the Ecuadorian is the first Assembly elected members representing their respective diasporas participated in which in its wording. Six of them were nominated for Ecuadorians living abroad (2 for North America, 2 in South and Central America and 2 in Europe). Estimated that there are between 10 to 12 million of Andean living outside their homeland. This number is slightly lower than the of the almost 14 million Ecuadorians but more than 8 million bolivianos. Of itself implies that they might mean a number within the Andean Community of Nations bigger than one of its four member countries. The new Constitution to be voted on Sunday provides for creating a permanent base for the diaspora, something that, for example, if you have Italy. Colombia to date is the only country in the region that has a representative elected abroad, although it is only a Congressman to represent some 4 million expatriate Colombians. Peruvians vote abroad and comes discussed doing that the Congress of the Republic has two elected members by 2 to 4 million Peruvian expatriates. Brazilians, Argentines or Mexicans can also vote outside their countries, although Bolivia (who has between 10% and 20% of its inhabitants residing outside its territory) and Chile (the country from which was released after the coup of 1973 the first massive wave of immigrants to Europe) still does not give that right to their diasporas. Another novelty of this proposal of magna carta is allowing foreigners residing in Ecuador during 5 years power voting, although not the be elected, sew to the Yes entitled many foreign residents in local elections in Europe.