Intelligent mixture for the sustainability a new infrastructure must provide at least as reliable energy as the existing infrastructure. Technologies WWS undergo less run-down time generally than the traditional sources. The coal power stations of the USA are, in average, a 12.5% connectionless to the year for the programmed and not programmed maintenance. The modern aerogenerators less than have a run-down time of the 2 percent in earth and less than 5% offshore. Photovoltaic systems also are stopped less than the 2 percent. In addition, when a Aeolian turbine, to pave or investor does not work, only one small part of the installation is affected and its loss supposes a small fraction of the production; when a plant of natural gas or coal, or nuclear loses the connection, a great part of the production is lost.

The main challenge of the WWS, is that the wind not always blows and the sun not always shines in a certain location. The intermitencia problems can be mitigated by an intelligent balance of sources, as geothermal the basic generation with or waves and tides or the storage of nerga. The Aeolian one is often abundant at night when there is no sun, or the lot by the day when it can not have wind. Other times a trustworthy source as the hydroelectric one can be connected or become disconnected quickly to satisfy the demand tip or to diminish the supply. Also in case of having pumping it is possible to be stored. Another example: Aeolian parks that are to only 100 to 200 miles of distance can compensate hours of zero power of others Aeolian parks where they do not have wind. Also the interconnection of geographically distant sources is useful that can lean one to the other, the installation of intelligent electrical accountants in homes that recharge the electrical vehicles automatically when the demand is low or give electrical energy to the network when they are loaded and they stopped.