The doctrine of the hereditary curse also is known as ' ' Curse of Famlia' ' or ' ' Sin of Gerao' '. One is about a doctrine that affirms that if somebody has some problem related with alcoholism, pornography, depression, adultery, nervousness, divorce, diabetes, cancer and many others, is because some ancestor lived that situation or practised some sin and transmitted such sin or curse to the descendant. The person must then pray the God so that which is disclosed to it is the generation in the past is affecting that it. A time that if knows which, asks for pardon for that ancestor or by the disclosed generation and the problem it will be decided, that is, it will be insults the curse. Pablo Romeiro, in its Evanglicos book in Crisis, to page 98, cites a North American author, of name Marylin Hickey, that already was some times in Brazil in conferences of the ADHONEP. This author says on the subject hereditary curse: If you or some of its ancestral ones gave place to the devil, its family could be under ' ' Hereditria&#039 curse; ' , and this will transmit its children. It does not allow that its descent is reached by the devil through the generation curses.

The sin of the parents can pass of one to another generation, and thus consecutively. It has in its family cases of cancer, poverty, alcoholism, allergy, mental and emotional illnesses of the heart, disturbances, sexual abuses, obesidade, adultery? These are some of the characteristics that are part of the hereditary curse in the families. However, they can be broken! 5 The used main text for the preachers of the hereditary curse is exodus 20,4-6, that it says: ' ' Not you will make for you sculpture image, nor some similarity of what it has on in skies, nor in low in the land, nor in waters underneath of the land.