CRISTIANO WALNUT GRADUATING OF the COURSE OF HISTORY OF the FIP (Integrated Facultieses of Ducks) its book ' ' The civilization of acar' ' , Vera Lcia Ferlini approaches at five great moments as if it developed this society and as it came form permanent traces in the same one. In the first chapter ' ' Sugar and civilizao' ' the author shows important questions that routes of commerce and forms of if getting profits of these new discoveries had taken the new Europe the search. In ' ' dynamics of descobrimentos' ' Vera Lcia approaches the main causes that had taken the Europe the new search commerce routes, causes these that if start for not the continuation of ' ' revivescimento' ' of the commerce in the Decrease Average Age, for the dissolvimento of the economy of the feudalismo before the mercantilism, beyond ' ' aggravation of the servile conditions, agricultural exodus, the alagarmento of markets of markets, the reinforcement of the bourgeoisie, the growth of cidades' ' , (p.11), these problems had provoked social crises, that had generated disorganization of the production, fomes, wars, plagues during century XIV. In the following century (XV) more problems had appeared as scarcity of currencies and monopolizao of the eastern products (spices), for the Italian centers of Genoa and Venice. All these new causes had made the European market search routes of commerce for products, consuming greater monetary flow and markets, this facilitated by the centralization of the power (the National Monarchies) of the end of the Average Age, constituting the mercantilism, that would have as accomplishment the establishment of colonies of which ' would have to be gotten great profits through the project; ' exclusive colonial' ' , This process of expansion had Portugal as pioneering. After the great discoveries the concern of Portugal it was of as to occupy Brazil, that in first the 30 years of this of the arrival of Cabral always was second plain for the Portuguese crown, in contrast to other nations that if interested very for the Brazilian territory, as the Frenchmen, these last ones had stopped soon friendship with the indians, with which they practised the trade of wood-Brazil for objects (mirrors, necklaces, etc.), but after the discovery of the precious metal Spain in its territory, the occupation of America took other routes and for Portugal ' ' to keep the domain on Brazil became, then, concern poltica' ' (p.14) and thus, ' ' she was necessary to explore new sources of riquezas' ' (p.15).
Genoa Commerce
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