The future of the Office of Pharmacy it is evolving towards the transformation of the traditional Pharmacy in a Space of Health. This it could be leitmotiv that it transmits like anticipation to the Pharmacies of Concep Future – the company specialized in optimization and rationalization of commercial spaces (pertaining to GHC Group), that offer several ranges of furniture for all type of Pharmacies, besides the possibility of realising a Project Key in Hand and that finishes organizing Concep on Road MADRID next to Global Services, the Applied Consultancy of Pharmacy that generates services and solutions outposts to improve the yield of the Pharmacy (also pertaining to GHC Group). The event to that they went more than 300 phamacists of the Independent Community of Madrid will take to caboen brief in Menorca, Seville, Bilbao, Valencia, Jan, Corunna and Logroo serve to approach the professionals of the pharmacy the keys with which to confront and to surpass the threats that at present are flying over the sector. Hay to begin a to reframe and to redefine the model of traditional Pharmacy, to guarantee its survival. The phamacist, like sanitary professional of first level, must have a paper protagonist like educator and motor for the promotion of the health in the Society.

In Concep we work to create the new surroundings (Space of Health) where to establish that new relation phamacist-patient. , explains Alex Mller, its Commercial Director. Profitable spaces of health and are that Concep, like expert in the optimization of the commercial space of the pharmacies, it canalizes in these events the latent necessity in the Sector to have a new concept of Office of Pharmacy. the pharmaceutical profession, and especially all that we are to the front of an Office of Pharmacy, we have the responsibility to look for new alternatives and opportunities for our profession.