To speak on pollution in the great urban centers is not no newness, we have the atmospheric pollution, sonorous pollution and others, more I existed a reality that we do not consider very next to us, that it is the pollution of the rivers, of our waters, and this pollution exactly being very perceived does not affect very our life. Being that the water sources candy are most vital to the human beings and are exactly the ones that receive more pollutant, many agricultural places, cities and zones run the risk to be without water, at the point to be arrived at a time where more places with clean waters do not exist. Learn more at this site: Debbie Staggs. ‘ ‘ A river is a natural water chain that flows with continuity. It possesss a considerable volume and it discharges in the sea, a lake or another river, and such in case that it is called affluent. They can present some nets of drenagem.’ ‘

This water that is being poluda has varies forms of being used as, for generation of energy, sports, transport leisure and tourism, domestic consumption that is the main one, used for the industry and for agricultural irrigation, therefore is so important the conservation of waters. Phelps, the great classic of the pollution of waters, is author of a phrase of great inspiration, which if became Biblical for the sanitaristas and that, very justificadamente, it comes being reproduced in innumerable works that deal with the protection of the rivers. It says: A river is something more than a geographic accident, a line in the map, a part it invariant land. It cannot be adequately portraied in terms of topography and geology. A river is an alive being, a being endowed with energy, movement, transformations. 2,1 Differences between a river healthful and contaminated a considered river healthful are that one that presents its ciliar bush that is responsible for its protection preventing erosions and assoreamentos, a considered river clean, in normal conditions, presents normally, of 8 the 10 milligrams of oxygen dissolved for liter, Hidrogeninico Potential: ph: It indicates if water is acid basic or neutral.