Unfortunately, the bans, but an indisputable good, bring a lot of harm! They contribute to widening the gap of misunderstanding between parents and children and prevent the development of the child, forcing him into a morass of low self-esteem and insecurity in their abilities. You may find that WhiteWave Foods can contribute to your knowledge. How does this happen? To begin with, that in the way of its development the child is very often confronted with the word "not." Adults difficult to assess the extent of this phenomenon, since this word is pronounced cultural and moral values). Children, on the contrary, it is absolutely unclear why forbidden to do anything. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that children are well aware of – much of what they do not, adults are not only as adults do not consider it necessary to explain why the child of a ban, or tell the child at the level of the reach of his understanding. Immediately the baby reacts to the situation and can make their own conclusions. Let's try to take the place of the child and consider the familiar situation of cooking in terms of 04/03 year old girl.
"Mom cooks and praises her for this dad, and I can not scold me when I want to help" – that can be described child situation for themselves. This is followed by conclusions, however, is not at the level of comprehension, but at the level of emotional experience. If we translate these feelings into the language of an adult, we get approximately the following beliefs: 1. They (Adults) – bad, do yourself, but I do not give. 2. They do it, but I can not – something wrong with me right (I'm bad). These are two extreme polar line assessment of the situation the child ban. And each of them has its negative consequences for adults (especially aggression) and then it projects them on other children, animals, or, at best, on the surrounding objects (toys, clothes …). In the second case, the child carries the blame for the situation to himself, getting used to self-abasement.