Accidents, injuries at home, road accidents – it all boils down to one – a lack of practice. Lack of knowledge on this subject, of course, is important, but the result of training a person can obtained only after he learned apply. Ability and skill rights must be brought in line with the rate-century, in which he lives. With practice, you can train your body, eyes, hands and feet to the point extent that they would like themselves would know what to do. Man does not even have to "think" what to do, he just do it. There is a huge difference between what to do the job "well enough" and in order to make it as professional. This difference can be reduced only through practice. Sometimes the person realizes that he can not apply what learned.

Hence, a person trained or wrong thing in a textbook or a teacher is to blame. It's one thing to read instructions, and another to put into practice. Occasionally it does happen sometimes that the practice does not bring the expected results. Then you need to drop everything and start afresh. It is a pity that not all activities are described in good textbooks. If you came across this – appreciate it and scrutinized. If not, collect the available information for yourself, study it and develop what you need.

In his first non-religious moral code, The Way to Fortunately, the great philosopher and humanist L. Ron Hubbard wrote: "Let the people first watch, learn and find answers to questions and then do what they have learned. And when they are able to do it right, let the practice, practice and practiced until they can do so at the professional level. "