According to report of the Organizations of United Nations, the sociocultural contrasts in the African continent are very great. It has agricultural communities where tribal foods, religions, clothes, rules and way of life which remains invariant, have hundreds of years. Ahead this to deal with on the side of human development in view of using to advantage given of said relatrio on the sector, involving infrastrurua partner-economic capable to guide on the level of the desenvolimento and the effect of the economic crisis and financial munidal and its influence on the progress of Morocco. Although the absolute poverty diminished, the number of poor persons or almost the great part permance still raised: about 8 million people. According to data of the High Commissariat of Planejamento (HCP), period 2001-2007 registou a significant reduction in the tax of absolute poverty.
Passing of 15% for about 9% of the population, passing the 2,7 million people. However, 17.5% of the population have a consumption level that if points out above of the line of poverty. In other words, one room of the population constitutes eight million individuals which if point out in the line of absolute or susceptvel poverty. In relation the important geographic disparity with the tax of poverty in the agricultural zones (14.5%) is three times more raised than the tax of poverty in urban areas (4.8%), and 70% of poor persons proceeding from the agricultural areas. 80% of the poor persons of agricultural areas do not have access the job or remunerated work.
The pointers of human development had not improved the life level as it waited as the investments carried through for the country. Significant efforts had been assented in particular in the health areas, of education, however it very remains to make face to the relative challenges to the Objectives of the Development of Milnio (ODM). The index of human development (IDH) of Morocco demonstrated, therefore, a delay in comparison with neighboring countries in terms of the GIP.