Douglas Holtz-Eakin, principal economic consultant to McCain, said that the Obama proposals are good for those who have a vision of life pink. Richard Marston, Wharton Professor of finance, notes, the proposal by McCain of extending Bush tax credit does not pass, in this moment of campaign rhetoric. There is no how to prolong the validity of cuts now that the winds of politics changed direction, he says, adding that McCain was not able to specify which tax cuts considered most important. Voters need a more objective vision of the economy.Marston, added that the policy Obama Prosecutor is more refined than the one presented by Democratic candidates in the last two elections, and stresses that the Obama plan is in the spotlight, specifically, taxes that it have an impact on income of Americans who earn more than $250,000 a year. The idea seems to be the following: those who earn less that that will give immediate support to such a tax increase, evaluates Marston. It remains to know if that is what will happen, but it is certainly a drastic change of strategy.
Marston also says that Obama and his advisers not questioned whether the tax increase will have impact on the incentives granted to companies, taking them to reinvest and to generate new growth. Affect that decision of entrepreneurs run risks that are responsible for the innovation that makes the country prosper?, explores Marston. If the answer is positive, could be preferable to increased other taxes on dividends, for example? For its part, Janet Rothenberg Pack, Professor of business and public policy of Wharton, believes, that the backing of McCain to Bush’s tax cuts is a mistake because they will continue to deepening the U.S. budget deficit. The deficit and the trade deficit that are related are hurting us and we are going to further harm in the future.With regard to Obama, Pack says, that its fiscal policy and expenditure is more complicated that that of McCain, hindering even more estimate its impact.