Of this movement a particularitity of the proper system in producing space differentiations at a moment would result, where it would have areas of accumulation of capital (developed regions) and areas of low application of capitals (underdeveloped regions). However, at a following moment, the extreme accumulation of capitals in the areas for where the same ones if had directed would ahead form conditions of low accomplishment of profits for the excess of capitals in relation to the capacity of accumulation of the areas then with deficiency of capitals, but with other conditions you harness of profit and accumulation. Smith (1988) thus places the question: In the basement of the standard of different development it is the logic and the trend of the capital in direction what we will call movement ' ' in vem&#039 goes and; ' of the capital. If the accumulation of the capital causes the geographic development and if the direction of this development is guided by the profit tax, then we can think about the world as one ' ' surface of lucro' ' produced for the proper capital, (…). The mobility of the capital causes the development of areas with high taxes of profit and the subdesenvolvimento of those areas where if it verifies low taxes of profit. But the proper process of development leads to the reduction of this tax of higher profit. (…), the development of the productive forces in data place leads to a lesser unemployment, a growth in the wage level, to the development of unions and so on, all helping to lower the tax of profits and to move away the true reason for the development. (…). In the opposing polar region, of the subdesenvolvimento, the lack of capital or its constant excess it takes the high taxes of unemployment, basses wages and reduced levels of organization of the workers.