The dream for all lottery players. Life interest. Just a passive income. But you can do this yourself and in other ways. Who does not dream, to cope with everyday life with a passive income and to go financially carefree life. Best yet, if it grows from day to day. Welcome to the Internet. The Internet offers plenty of options to secure themselves a such passive income.

Income is passive: I work once and get paid for this unique activity over a long time. Think of an author for a bestseller. This author will probably draw a life long. Classical music, like Beethoven or Mozart be purchased today. Well, the two have nothing of it, but the principle is clear. The two have designed pieces that attracts buyers today.

What can you do, to achieve something similar. Jack Fusco describes an additional similar source. Now that there are many ways. I would like to write about one today. Stock photography or in other words: provide promotional images on stock so that they can, can be conveniently purchased if necessary. How does help me that now for my passive income? Quite simply, make these images available. There are several portals, where you can adjust images which can then be purchased by companies and website operators. You make up, every day one or more portals to submit 10 images, you have 3600 pictures, which are waiting for buyers within a year. Of course, the portals are very picky and assume still long everything. But with the time you gain experience, which pictures wanted and which are not wanted. Then it becomes easier and you can so, slowly but surely, income build your passive, offered more and more images. These images make once and be permanently with any luck getting paid. What do I need for this? A photo. It’s simple. Well, we can increase it. Of course an SLR would be worth Gold correctly. Also, you should develop a look for this, what a good Image is from the perspective of the buyer. There is ample information on the Internet. Of course, family photos can be beautiful, but if it does good for a promotional brochure or Web page, you must judge. Search for example for concepts such as the golden ratio”. There, you will certainly find it. For more information, I have described a provider already detail in my article on Fotolia. Then I wish you much fun with the photograph and the building of a passive income. Thomas Rith