The CYCLING IN the SCHOOL the cycling as well as the sport always suffered to a great evolution in history, covering the way in search of gestures and movements each time more estereotipados and of form each time more mechanics, then the search of science and the scholars is always with the purpose to find ways to improve each time more the income of the sport, that is, the perfect copy of the capitalist society lived currently, in which if it walks constantly in search of the improvement of the income, enaltecendo the beginning of competition. When we think about cycling in the school, and look related studies to this subject, almost nothing or even though nothing it is found. Soon Kunz (2006) in the alert one how much to this subject, citing that the sport currently practised by athlete and not-athlete, even though in the lessons of physical education, it is a sport that uses conditions specific techniques of each modality, and also that it needs places and appropriate materials.

Thus Kunz (2006) mentions that one of the great errors of the universities, is that these, is each time more constructing esportivas installations of great quality, with official materials and spaces, then the future professors of Physical Education is taught to only lecionar lessons ahead to these spaces and materials, and when they are collated with the Brazilian pertaining to school reality, these professors if feel total unprepared to give a lesson without possessing the appropriate spaces and materials. Kunz (2006) still in affirms that the majority to them of the professionals of today ‘ ‘ they do not obtain to understand that atletismo track can be used to walk of bicycle, or that a ball of voleibol can be chutada’ ‘ (p.83), and it is in this point that we want to arrive, in the question if to know to improvise and to use alternative materials, therefore the lack of material appropriate space for the practical one of the cycling cannot be considered an excuse not to work the cycling in the school.