It is a common place that an important leg in which rests a successful life, is to enjoy a solid self-esteem. Self-esteem is without a doubt one of the concepts that we used more to our ill, discretion, and quite often confusing it with aspects related to the pride, the vanity or pride. Nevertheless, between that one and these, it has founded differences, that they have to do rather less with other two known concepts: autoconcepto and autoimagen. In a factory of personal knowledge, the last week, a woman of thirty and two years, commented that she did not have self-esteem because of her four brothers, she was the unique one who did not have a floor in property, nor had founded a family. Its great error was to conceive the self-esteem as product autoimagen of it, that is to say, how she creates to be perceived by the other, really: of a comparison with idealizados models that bark in their mind. If we let ourselves take by his victimismo, can fall in, the little favorable one for her, temptation to console it, and to try to comfort it, although, one more a righter intervention would take to change the order to us in which it settles down the binomial cause-effect. In this sense, he is righter to think than one does not have what wishes, because it does not enjoy a good self-esteem, to think that one does not have a good self-esteem, because it does not have what wishes. It does not have on the other of being thing that the Canadian psychotherapist, Dr. Nathaniel defines it to Branden as the confidence in our right to prevail and to be happy. Often, self-esteem and humility, for numerous people are values difficult of conciliating, since, in its heads, the ingrained belief that exists humility is simply, to have a bad opinion of the personal talents, of the own one was worth, the personal characteristics that everyone has.
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