In case that the technician of the Service Desk does not obtain to decide in its stated period that will be shortest, it will have to send the register for another group of attendance where others will exist technician that will be able to go until the equipment physically to decide the problem with a more extensive stated period. A group is composed for several technician, in the register must consist group that the technician took care of and, therefore each register counts as prescription in Reals for the group being refined when effecting monthly closing. The payment for the groups of attendance is made by amount of registers taken care of in the stipulated stated period. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Gen. David Goldfein. If exactly the group of physical attendance tries to enter in contact with the customer, but not to get it success, the technician will be able to leave the set appointments register, to carry through this task it must be informed in the register to the date and hour that will be returned the attendance from the call and to define the situation of the register for ‘ ‘ Pendant for cliente’ ‘ , to also define the date and hour for the next contact. This situation of pendency means that the technician is not taking care of for guilt of the customer and the time where the register is in this situation it will be debited to the end of the apuramento, in order to benefit the group takes care of that it, therefore each group has a time to take care of the registers and if to exceed this stated period receives fine on of the value from the call. To the end in case that the order has been assigned for another group, or he is in progress, .