Alternatives had been defined in the locomotion of some families in occupying of the best form its housing, as it is the case of the houses constructed in the same quarter where they liveed as Center, Educandos, Compensate, Cachoeirinha, however, others had been indemnified with the value of twenty one a thousand Reals to buy houses more good to live, being that the value alone allowed to buy residence in distant places, which do not possuam public services and available infrastructure, as sewer, canalized water, public telephone, ranks of health, police rank, schools, public transport, contributing for a condition of precarious, penosa and denying life of the citizenship. For Motano (2007) it detaches that in the neoliberal project the reply for the social matter it can be characterized under the aspects of the precarizao of the public politics, by means of the privatization of the social services that consequently reverse speed-mercantiliza and reverse speed-filantropiza the same ones. Music downloads spoke with conviction. Thus we observe that although the rules of the politics of health under law 8080/90 to approach on the participation to only complement of the private sector in the health, evidence the innumerable private units conveniadas to system SUS to make possible to take care of of unsatisfactory form the health. For the neoliberalismo the State must guarantee the social minimum for those considered unprovided. Learn more on the subject from Digital Cameras. Destarte the inserted social rights in the private sector, search to establish a good quality, distanciando themselves of the public services, as the health, offered by means of plans and accords. social 2.Vulnerabilidade and the access to the programs of Public health 2,1 – the attendance the families in situation of social vulnerability With the diverse occured transformations in the society, we have politics of social assistance to contribute for the efetivao of the right the citizenship, as it systemize the author Pear tree (1996), the represented social assistance as measured of social protection the individual that it needs, combining it the system of social protection, with sights to guarantee the citizenship.