The most unnecessary – break your neck on the rocks: The bottom may vary due to the storm, he brings new boulders, which yesterday was not. I usually kindly miss somebody forward – albeit a strong head will evaluate the bottom for today. Mining impact on slender girlish legs Sochi – a city mountain, which has a positive effect on the shapely legs. In urban areas it is civilized, paved mountain. And far from downtown, especially with the mountains Ahun (a tour), with her tower the Caucasus mountains visible in all its glory. Those that are closer – green, hairy, overgrown forest, long white with snow. Sochi around water a lot, and not only at sea, however, is not suitable for swimming all.

River flows through the center of Sochi, in the summer it is hot, it begins to dry up. But in the mountains, it is powerful and full-flowing. Not far from the city – Agursky waterfalls. Best of all – the latest incident in a natural swimming pool. The secret of looking at it is known for the rare tourist, but so be it, tell: swims behind the curtain of water and find yourself in the gazebo, where a wall of rocks, and the roof of the water. Love is a lake, canyon black snakes waterfalls cascade of waterfalls on the river veselenky Snake.

Lead tours there, so that everywhere You can visit it. And in the mountains still lies an unusual lake Rizza. Our grandmothers in a light crepe de chine and grandparents in a white canvas like getting up at attention before severe photographer with tripod, the memory of the lake remained not Ritz only in black and white group photographs: a legacy of memories passed grandchildren along with heavy family photo albums and stories about the beautiful youth.