If a child does not know the arithmethic table the problem is not alone of the professor nor only of the school, but also of the culture which it is inserted. To hear what the pupil has to say, in general, is not valued is necessary that the professor knows to hear the pupil and not only to speak and thus to know the opinions of that more it interests knowing. So that it has one I dialogue and the understanding of the same, she is necessary to have consideration to what the pupil thinks and speaks and to what the professor thinks and speaks. To be mathematics professor is if to worry as to teach, thus to know the mathematics it is basic to use methods that make with that it has a good income for the pupil, to help the pupil to know what the professor already knows is to have the domain of the area of the knowledge. Add to your understanding with Secretary of Agriculture. To teach is on to know, therefore to teach in certain way, aims at the knowledge of the pupil, with this emphasizes the importance of as to teach to know. The knowledge is underlying to the way for which if it teaches, thus to be mathematics professor is to understand the pupil and the proper substance as one disciplines intersubjetiva. The mathematics deals with many aspects of the world, therefore the professor it cannot isolate it of what the man he knows of the world, thus is important that light the pupil to know the mathematics in day-by-day, with this will go to keep the true importance of the mathematics and to finish with some you doubt that the pupils have regarding this discipline wonderful, as for example: ' ' So that it serves or where I use it? ' ' Generally in the schools the pupils learn since early its position ahead of the professor and its duties, that is, it must be giving attention in what the professor teaches without being able to leave for where to want, but many times this to give attention means to be been silent and looking at for the professor and this it does not want to say that the pupil this giving to attention it can until being looking at for the professor, but this travelling for the thought without understanding nothing of what the speaking professor this. .