Of this form, the factors had been analyzed that are causing the difficult understanding of the differentiation between discipline them to both. In this perspective, it makes necessary that we understand of reflexiva form the reasons that are causing the deficiency in question in the teach-learning of these educandos and, thus, to point proposals to brighten up or to cure the thematic one presented here. Thus being, this was my challenge, therefore as educator I have the duty to provoke significant changes in the classrooms so that in fact the pupils can understand the universe in this manner where they live and make the necessary transformations. To read more click here: Secretary of Agriculture. In this direction I begin, it I made an election of the authors who had given support for this work, so that thus locus could go to verify in, and to collect the information necessary. In this direction, the work is divided in two chapters. The first one contains the identity and individuality of History and Geography, one brief epistemolgica definition of History Geography, where the chains of thought of these sciences will be boarded.
As the chapter presents questions related to the procedures in the education of History and Geography and the practical pertaining to school, the analyses on the formation of the educators and the process of teach-learning in these you discipline, as well as, the metodolgicos procedures of the research, the research and analyses with professors and pupils of 5 8 series of you discipline them to both in Are Domingos of the Araguaia-Par. In this sequence, the interviews had been carried through between days 19 and 23 of January of 2010 in such a way with professors and pupils of some schools and several and localities – urban Zone, Nazar Village, Village Santana, Village Half and Are Benedict – of the city of Are Domingos of the Araguaia-Par. Remembering that it did not have pupils interviewed in this last village. Thus, 11 professors of Geography, being 3 of the state net and 8 of the urban and agricultural net municipal and 11 professors of History, being one of state net and 10 of the municipal net, 30 pupils had been interviewed of education of geography, being 22 of state net and 8 of the municipal net, 30 of History, being 18 of state net and 12 of the municipal net. All the interviews had been carried through between days 19 and 23 of January of 2010. Therefore, some factors are investigated in this research to know if these difficulties happen of basic education. In this manner, will be analyzed and practical pedagogical of the operating professors in the History and the formation areas of Geography as well as the teach-learning of the searched pupils. In this direction, we will see if these difficulties are related to the lack of formation and commitment of these professors, the deficiency in practical the pedagogical ones, the lack of use of the concepts, or perhaps for all these and other factors. However, it is interesting to verify the profile of the result of this work, therefore the intention is not here to point who makes or leaves to make what it is necessary in its lessons, but to contribute for a reflection for practical ours in the teach-learning.