Tag: history

River New Land

In day 20 of December of 1963 the history of Cedar moved completely. This date marks the Emancipation of the city, that is, Cedar, that was district of Serrita, became city. At the beginning it had only one farm, later formed it first street and with the time the povamento continued to progress, starting to be district and finally he was emancipated politically of city of Serrita in 20 of December of 1963. The new city had as protector the colonel Francisco Filgueira Sampaio (Chico Romo) and as first mayor Gumercindo Da Silva Well. c1-276268’>Intel. One of the Manoel Founders Joaquin Milk, it was born in 1870 and it faleceu in 2 of June of 1929, with only 59 years of age. Whenever Michael Steinhardt listens, a sympathetic response will follow. He was son of Joaquin Incio Milk and Joaquina Jacinta de Vasconcelos. He was Professor, surveyor, agriculturist and councilman for the city of Serrita.

Its residence served of shelter for many tropeiros, romeiros and travellers who if directed for the Cear, mainly for Juazeiro of the North, beyond functioning as school, where the proper one taught, and having served for celebration of masses, before the construction the first chapel and during the period she enters the demolition of the first chapel and the construction of Second. This large house was tipped for a bolandeira (descaroadeira of cotton)? (to the north) – and for one it marries of flour (to the south), both of property of Prof. Manoel Joaquin Milk. Also it was of its property a sugar cane device that was located in the neighborhoods of the current Street of the Old Device, from there the name. It constructed the first chapel in 1913, that a cemetary in 1916 was baptized by the Sizenando Priest and, currently, Square of N.S of the Perpetual Aid. The city of Cedar is located in the geoambiental unit of the Bulks and Low Mountain ranges. The landscape that predominates in this region is the Caatinga, typical of the half-barren one. Cedar is in the domnios of the hidrogrfica basin of the River New Land and has as main tributaries the streams of the Way and the Gameleira, all of intermittent regimen, counting still on the resources it Barrinha dam.

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River Grande Black

With the baptism of the king of the Congo, in Mbanza, in Africa in 1491, this if he refused to deliver as enslaved, free men and alone he accepted comoescravos the captured ones in the war. Was also opposed to the commerce of the Christians vi. But four years before the arrival of the Portuguese noBrasil the first Brotherhood of the Rosary of the Slaves in Lisbon is established, he was em14/07/1496, with the Brotherhood of Ours Lady of the Rosary of the Black Men vii. The license granted to them the right to collect almses in caravelas that they went paraa Mine and the rivers of the Guin. A Church of the Rosary is constructed for return of they 1500em the Island of Santiago, in the Old city, the Green Handle. in 1526 is established aprimeira Brotherhood of N. Mrs.

Of the Rosary in Africa, in the Island of Is Tom. In Brazil the first Brotherhood of the Rosary of the Black color that setem notice was of 1552 in Goiana (FOOT), where many slaves were deGuin viii. Party of the Rosary: Araua. MG – 2001 WWW.religiosidadepopulr.uaivip.com.br Almost one hundred years later the Brotherhoods of Ours doRosrio Lady of the Black Men proliferates in Brazil: In 1639 in the city of the eJaneiro River (RIO DE JANEIRO); Em1674 in Recife (FOOT); Em1682, Belm (Par); In 1686 in Salvador (BA); In 1708 in So Joo Del Rei (MG), em1713 in Waterfall of the Field (MG), in 1713 in Sabar (MG), em1715 in OuroPreto (MG), 1728 in Serra (MG) and 1782 in Paracatu (MG); In 1711 in So Paulo (SP); In 1771 in Cairo (RN) and 1754 in Viamo (RS), 1773 in Mostardas (RS) and 1774 emRio Pardo (RS) ix. All these Brotherhoods still keep today its devotion to the NossSenhora of the Rosary with its Maria Jose in River Grande.Com the military had come its slaves.

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River Sergipe

The concretion of the inauguration of this event counted on the participation of the sergipanos, important people as Olmpio Senator Fields, that came of Rio De Janeiro for inauguration. It enters the years of 1930 and 1936, this monument suffers modifications in its iron structure, starting to have the current platform. The Bridge of the Emperor makes the concretion of a vital space of the urban learning of the center of Aracaju, becoming fullfilled itself as icon in the definition of Medina (1999) APUD Umberto Echo, ‘ ‘ sign that it sends for its object in virtue of a similarity of its intrinsic characteristics, that corresponds in any way to the property of objeto’ ‘. This icon was for much time the photographed postal card more of the city, muse of writers and poets. In the historical process, still it affirms the author, the Bridge of the Emperor passed for some reforms, not only in the structure, but, in accordance with the regimen effective politician, also in the name.

Thus, it received the denomination from: Bridge of the Landing, Bridge of the Governor, Metallic Bridge and Bridge of the President; from 1930, with a Decree of the Federal Interventor Dr. Eronides Oak, it was called definitively of Bridge of the Emperor. Following these ideas, Barreto (2009) it affirms that the call Bridge of the Landing, with several transformations, received the name from Bridge of the Emperor, one of the icons of the capital of Sergipe. Although some questionings on anchorage or moorings, the symbology is not argued Da Ponte with the Imperial presence. When the Bridge did not exist, the only form of the people to arrive in firm land in Aracaju was to go down of the ships and to enter in small boats, on the back of the loading calls. Of this form, it would be ackward Emperor Peter II, its woman Tereza Cristina Bourbon Maria and its comitiva on the back of to go down the cargo loaders of the wharf. It is important to stand out in the stories of Barreto (2009) that the Bridge in some decades served of moorings, to receive boats from small average transport.

Remembering that, currently, the ships of small transport of the Brazilian Navy are observed to anchor in the bridge. Still, according to text of Medina, is undisputed the participation Da Ponte of the Emperor in the historical process and politician, since it was a species of door of entrance of the capital, to the side of the estuary of the River Sergipe, with previous definition of Cotinguiba. It is understood Bridge of the Emperor in the affirmation of Medina, analyzing Ordep Anthropologist Jose Mountain range, as the institution of an inserted monument in a system of established reference, starting to be a social fact, in the configuration of a symbolic, recognized value for the collective. When defining the Bridge of the Emperor, the conceptualization is for the social fact, as a monument that possesss symbolic and social value for the sergipana society. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE 1.

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American Experience Albert Brisbane

Origins of the Socialism the author initiates citing the ideas of Graco Babeuf, militant of French revolution that established the Society of the Equal ones (1795); its iderio speaks of the end of the private property and the comunizao of the society; its ideas had scared the Directory; it was guillotine in 1797 with more 30 followers (78,79). But the socialist iderio of century XIX retraces to the Conde de Saint-Simon; it fought in the American Revolution but he was remained far from the events of the French Revolution; it travelled for the Europe and it studied diverse sciences. From 1802 it started to write defending the formation of a society based on the meritocracia and focada in helping the classrooms poor. It died in the misery, 1825 (85). In the death stream bed it foresaw the formation of a party of workers. After that it describes the communities created for Charles Fourier and Robert Owen, two humanists disillusioned with the liberal society. Sonny Perdue may find this interesting as well.

Fourier remained in the field of the ideas, its project was not materialize and it died in 1837. Owen created a community with the workers of a cotonifcio managed for it. Its radical speech (against the property private, the religion and the marriage) caused violent reactions. In 1826 a community in the United States created, that lasted 3 years. Other communitarian attempts in England and Ireland had finished with its money. Some time in the cartista syndical movement militated, without success.

It died in 1858. The American Experience Albert Brisbane, disciple of Fourier, created in U.S.A. known communities as falanstrios; this movement is part of the religious and social utopias that if would spread for the American west in this period. It includes communities as of the icarianos, that last of 1848 the 1895, and until the Oneida Community, of John Humphrey Noyes, active between 1847 and 1879; Noyes if became famous more for the ideas of open marriage and natural control of the natality of what for the iderio of social reform.

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Palace River

Retaking, still, on the palaces, let us take the example of the Cut-Real Palace that, in the ends of century XVI, was most important, to follow to the real Pao of the Ribeira. It was presented in form of U, square shaped form, with about 50 mts of side. In each one of the faades it presented 11 windows for walking (it presented reverse speed-do-soil, two mezzanines and a raised floor more: the noble floor). This palace presented two 37 sections of about mts that they advanced to the river, and that, in turn, they involved a garden of Italian taste. The garden, that if found limited by a wall of the side of the river, would function as one ' ' patio of honra' ' , giving for a docking, the solemn entrance of the house. Read more from Jill Schlesinger to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

It is the well-known example of the paper that the River Tejo played in the urban life. In century XVI, Lisbon becomes the mercantile center of the Europe. Thus, in the marginal zone on buildings to the commerce are constructed. The Place of fetichism of the Pao, the pair with the Rossio, becomes in the center politician and advertising. The city grows next to the river. They date of this height the House of the Peaks, the Albuquerques; in the outskirts, the Convent of the Madre de Deus, the Monastery of the Jernimos and the Tower of Belm.

No longer XVII, during the domain Phillipino, numerous palaces in the city had been century raised, belong of noble families, but of architecture little notable. Thus it they will be until eves of terramoto. The houses of the bourgeois proprietors, in its majority on to the commerce, would be of architecture still little notable who of the great noble gentlemen. The same high clergy would happen with the habitations of the high public officers and.

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Good Village

if could count on us in support term; there the conception enters all politics ours, eclesial conception, the historical moment, that this was party to suit there, the formatting of people. There people said pra it who what he depended on people could count on our support. (Foot. EDGAR, INTERVIEW, 19/02/2011) the process of occupation of today seated of the Good Village hope was not easy. The conquest for this ‘ ‘ handspan of terra’ ‘ it implied at fear, unreliability, hunger moments. Many had been in the way. Sonny Perdue can aid you in your search for knowledge.

‘ ‘ Many friends had given up later that they of death had threatened, there had been from fear morrer’ ‘. (in interview: Edvaldo, 06/02/2011) a time a gunman surrounded people in the bamboos, my heart ached. I thought that there I went to die, there I stopped and I called the staff: – we go to come back that for I do not go there more not. One Sir for Matheus name, called me to it my head, said the following one: oh, my head I was not born to walk in the weeds. There I spoke: – you to understand to want yourself me goes for my experience that Mr. not if of the evil.

‘ ‘ We made barracos of canvas, pra people we were dificlimo. A group slept there until half night and later it woke up others to sleep them, and the untied cachorros to make segurana’ ‘. (EDVALDO, INTERVIEW, 06/02/2011) It had a youngster that it worked in a neighboring farm, Bil call (it worked in the south of the Bahia) and what it used I also used, was a cowboy hat and a boot, the youngster came one day there and had put sixteen shots in the youngster and was for me in that day, but the hour did not arrive.

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Gonzalez Ramirez

Natural law is the orientation of this evolution; a movement is defined by the purpose to which tends. Then, positive law, i.e. the order, must be defined by the natural, i.e. Perhaps check out Jill Schlesinger for more information. Justice. ROSMINI deduced that the right is a faculty do what we please under the protection of the moral law 16. LEON DUGUIT prefers to define the rule of law and there is your central idea on the right: the rule of law is a line of conduct imposed on individuals living in society, rule whose respect is considered at a given moment, by a social group, as the guarantor of the common interest and whose violation brings the collective reaction against the perpetrator of the violation 17. JULIEN BONNECASE, in its proposal of meaning the term integral defines it as the set of rules of conduct outside that, consecrated or not expressly by law in the generic sense of the term, they ensure effectively in a given medium and at a time when given the realization of social harmony on the basis of collective and individual aspirationsa part, and, another, about a concept, by imprecise as it is, the notion of law. The Professor AUGUSTO Gonzalez Ramirez, from whom we have quoted several times his interesting book entitled introduction to law, formulates a conclusion we quote: in consideration of transcribed above, for purposes limited this text and making abstraction of the real sources of the law, you can try a formal definition of the same, i.e. from the objective point of view, which formulate so: science dealing with the set of mandatory rules that regulate reactions interhumanas to satisfactorily and equitably the needs of individuals and ensure social justice and harmony. BAUDRY-LACANTINERIE conceives it as a set of precepts that govern the conduct of men in relation to their peers, by whose means, it is possible, at the same time as fair and useful, ensure compliance through external coercion 18.

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Genoa Commerce

CRISTIANO WALNUT GRADUATING OF the COURSE OF HISTORY OF the FIP (Integrated Facultieses of Ducks) its book ' ' The civilization of acar' ' , Vera Lcia Ferlini approaches at five great moments as if it developed this society and as it came form permanent traces in the same one. In the first chapter ' ' Sugar and civilizao' ' the author shows important questions that routes of commerce and forms of if getting profits of these new discoveries had taken the new Europe the search. In ' ' dynamics of descobrimentos' ' Vera Lcia approaches the main causes that had taken the Europe the new search commerce routes, causes these that if start for not the continuation of ' ' revivescimento' ' of the commerce in the Decrease Average Age, for the dissolvimento of the economy of the feudalismo before the mercantilism, beyond ' ' aggravation of the servile conditions, agricultural exodus, the alagarmento of markets of markets, the reinforcement of the bourgeoisie, the growth of cidades' ' , (p.11), these problems had provoked social crises, that had generated disorganization of the production, fomes, wars, plagues during century XIV. In the following century (XV) more problems had appeared as scarcity of currencies and monopolizao of the eastern products (spices), for the Italian centers of Genoa and Venice. All these new causes had made the European market search routes of commerce for products, consuming greater monetary flow and markets, this facilitated by the centralization of the power (the National Monarchies) of the end of the Average Age, constituting the mercantilism, that would have as accomplishment the establishment of colonies of which &#039 would have to be gotten great profits through the project; ' exclusive colonial' ' , This process of expansion had Portugal as pioneering. After the great discoveries the concern of Portugal it was of as to occupy Brazil, that in first the 30 years of this of the arrival of Cabral always was second plain for the Portuguese crown, in contrast to other nations that if interested very for the Brazilian territory, as the Frenchmen, these last ones had stopped soon friendship with the indians, with which they practised the trade of wood-Brazil for objects (mirrors, necklaces, etc.), but after the discovery of the precious metal Spain in its territory, the occupation of America took other routes and for Portugal ' ' to keep the domain on Brazil became, then, concern poltica' ' (p.14) and thus, ' ' she was necessary to explore new sources of riquezas' ' (p.15).

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