THE SPECIAL EDUCATION: The CASE OF the APPLICATION SCHOOL MARIA OF CARMO V. MELO IN VICTORY OF the CONQUEST BAHIA For: Jose Carlos of Oliveira Ribeiro, 2008. Lucinia Soares Freire, 2008 i Learning (UESB), professor of geography in the municipal public Potion net – Bahia; After-graduating Management of the Innovation in Public Sector email: carlosoliveira80@ Summary: This work of research was carried through so that the pupil of the licenciatura course could through this, to have the special contact and experience with pupils with necessities, as well as, to prepare to come across with such situations in classroom. The work in itself brings a quarrel of the context of the Brazilian education and the results of the research of field carried through in the pertaining to school institution. INTRODUCTION This research had as objective primordial to understand as the special education is being implemented in Victory of the Conquest and the difficulties faced for the professionals who come across with the students special. The choice of the subject if gave in function of our interest for special education e, also due to necessity of the course of Geography, for a research work, as evaluation of IV the Semester for the conclusion of disciplines Educational politics.

The study it occurred in a school of education of basic education, of the state net of education, the School of Application. The exploratria research occurred in the period of May the August of 2007. It was considered in the development of this study that the deaf blind person is before everything a person, singular, only dynamic e, consequentemente, the specific and dynamic necessary intervention to be and, that its development it will depend essentially of modalities of activities proposals and of as are proposals in the half familiar pertaining to school and. At a first moment of this work we make a theoretical revision of Brazilian Education e, therefore a description of the special education.