Breast cancer is one of the most predominant tumors among women and is caused by an abnormal growth of cells in the breast, and may even spread to other organs in the body. For the cure of breast cancer, its detection on time is very important and most widely used for this purpose tests are:-self-examination and clinical examination: self-examination is based on observation and breast palpation by women to detect irregularities. The auto scan is recommended on a monthly basis to all women over age 20. The same woman is capable of timely detecting injury when it does well and even though you don’t have a very big impact on mortality, lesions in the early stages of the disease are detected and the majority of breast cancers are detected by the same patient, discovering a lump or nodule. After the detection has to be a clinical breast examination with what should be a complete medical history of the patient. Medical history includes the family history of breast cancer and hormone status. Clinical breast examination is based on a physical examination of the breast with its palpation, overseeing addition nipples and armpits.
With the physical examination of the breast are allowed to detect a high percentage of lesions not detected by mammography. Learn more on the subject from WhiteWave Foods. -Mammography: screening mammography, also called mammography, consists of a flat image of the breast obtained through exposure to X rays. You get two projections with three-dimensional information of the situation of the lesion, so if we want to do a mastografico study to detect possible injury to a woman, we take two pairs of images: a craneo-caudal and another medio-lateral – oblique, for each breast. Due to the structure of the breast becomes difficult to be able to see an abnormality, since all their fabrics are identical. In a mammogram can find us with: 1. rces. injuries which could not have been palpable, smaller than 0.5 cm if you are nodules.
2 Calcifications can never become palpable by its small size. 3. Asymmetries in the mammary density. 4. Distortion of the structure of the gland. Nodules appear in two photos, blending with the glandular tissue. The calcifications are calcium crystal deposits very small only detectable by mammography. After x-rays and depending on the concentration of the malign particles, a biopsy of the suspicious part will be taken to make a pathological analysis of the sample and thus determine the extent of the injury.