To ensure that the advertised product and reputation worthy of him to inform potential customers, the video should be different special professional, creative, competent supply of materials. On my opinion, attention should be focused on the viewer is the originality of the plot, has attracted considerable interest and positive emotions. It is important to make themselves beautiful, correctly and professionally, but not annoyingly lightly and primitive. We can rightly point out that commercial has a high level, if it combines original creative ideas and professional performance. Only these videos can easily attract and hold the attention, causing concern and vivid emotions the viewer. Most commercials are different in that not original. As a rule, simple story is linked to supply information about the banal product.
It is important to avoid such a way so as not to merge with a lot of exactly the same advertisement. The main thing – be original, different, and even to some extent exclusive. These three main tasks are the most part of the image character. But at the same time, do not get too deep into the plot and setting to remember that the commercial should attract the attention of viewers in the first place to sharpness and not the intricacies of the plot, namely the advertised product. The original plot and professional setting – this is only a means to achieve the main goal – to promote high-quality product to market.