Miramamolin is bloodthirsty and respected in fidelity, to the point that the Caliph is surrounded by fanatico-salvaje brutality that springs from his own personal guard: loyal soldados-esclavos – fans of Senegal, who are black, and those who are identified by the Black Guard of the Sultan; to those who are known by Imesebelen. The sultan kept them tied and armed to the teeth; and they remain enslaved and subject to the environment of the tent of the sultan, through thick chains that bind each other; and that through rings link to large stakes that anchored to the ground: in Warrior honor, loyalty to the Caliph and delivery of their own lives in the defence of the Sultan, without the possibility of personal flight. Designed the plan of attack begins a bitter struggle, with addition of the Christian fury that Diego Lopez II of Haro flag fifth Lord of Biscay – and culminated in the victory of the famous battle of las Navas de Tolosa; then known by the plain of the slab town founded after King Carlos III of Spain, already distant from the era of the great victory: in the 18th century. In the battle of las Navas de Tolosa, however, they would participate less than 70,000 Christians, of which 2,000 would fall in combat of fight against the bulk of 125,000 Muslims, that Moorish 90,000 lost life in the bloody battle of the slab. Despite this, and while the dead prevented the vision of the soil, the Caliph arengaba his troops with a volume of the Koran in hand, embellished by an emerald in the Center, while in the other he contended the scimitar. Although little he would help him that sword and his particular vision about the designs of wing; and hurried escape towards the city of Jaen, with the tail between the legs and trot of runs you crook however, that vision of loyalty and soldado-esclavo chaining, as well as display of the emerald in the center of the volume of the Koran, would be exploited by Sancho VII of Navarre that inspired by the aforementioned emblems of the Caliph, both link them to the preparation of the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Navarre.
Diego Lopez
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