Month: January 2020

American Experience Albert Brisbane

Origins of the Socialism the author initiates citing the ideas of Graco Babeuf, militant of French revolution that established the Society of the Equal ones (1795); its iderio speaks of the end of the private property and the comunizao of the society; its ideas had scared the Directory; it was guillotine in 1797 with more 30 followers (78,79). But the socialist iderio of century XIX retraces to the Conde de Saint-Simon; it fought in the American Revolution but he was remained far from the events of the French Revolution; it travelled for the Europe and it studied diverse sciences. From 1802 it started to write defending the formation of a society based on the meritocracia and focada in helping the classrooms poor. It died in the misery, 1825 (85). In the death stream bed it foresaw the formation of a party of workers. After that it describes the communities created for Charles Fourier and Robert Owen, two humanists disillusioned with the liberal society. Sonny Perdue may find this interesting as well.

Fourier remained in the field of the ideas, its project was not materialize and it died in 1837. Owen created a community with the workers of a cotonifcio managed for it. Its radical speech (against the property private, the religion and the marriage) caused violent reactions. In 1826 a community in the United States created, that lasted 3 years. Other communitarian attempts in England and Ireland had finished with its money. Some time in the cartista syndical movement militated, without success.

It died in 1858. The American Experience Albert Brisbane, disciple of Fourier, created in U.S.A. known communities as falanstrios; this movement is part of the religious and social utopias that if would spread for the American west in this period. It includes communities as of the icarianos, that last of 1848 the 1895, and until the Oneida Community, of John Humphrey Noyes, active between 1847 and 1879; Noyes if became famous more for the ideas of open marriage and natural control of the natality of what for the iderio of social reform.

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Heating Of The Future

Informative experience course in the sign of the heat pump on the Zeche Zollverein Berlin/Essen, April 28, 2011. On Friday, May 13, 2011, the world heritage site Zollverein opens its doors for the heating of the future: from 13:00 visitors and their families can find out everything worth knowing about the climate-friendly heating using the heat pump. “With the event, the Federation would like to heat pump (BWP) e.V. in time to start his new campaign committing heat pump!” Inform consumers about the intelligent and forward-looking heating technology of the heat pump. Details can be found by clicking Jill Schlesinger or emailing the administrator. Users of heat pumps protect the climate, have less maintenance and save money. Because heat pumps cause hardly any CO2, based on sophisticated technology and take advantage of free environmental energy from air, water or soil,”explains Paul Waning, Chairman of BWP. What kind of heat pump is right for my home? What funds are available to me? Advise to these and other questions the BWP and renowned companies locally designed interactive information stands.

A heat pump-experience course for the whole family invites you to touch and admire. Costco will not settle for partial explanations. Small and large explorers can find Zollverein in Hall 12 what a curling table, the wall of a quiz and a Carrera-Bahn with the heat pump heating system have to do on May 13 on the Bill. At the event to the nationwide competition of Warmepumper of the year kicks off in addition”. Proud owner of a heat pump heating system are cordially invited to participate in the competition and win free electricity for your heat pump three years! “More information on the event see kick-off event to the heat pump campaign committing heat pump!” on May 13, 2011, from 1 pm to 6 pm at the world heritage site Zollverein, Hall 12, shaft XII A12 parking on PA2, entrance via Fritz-Schupp-Allee of Gelsenkirchen str. 181 45309 Essen admission is free..

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Culture Rivers

In 1975, mine ' ' good tempos' ' in rock musician, I composed the song I wanted To be for some presentations we went that it to make in the House of Culture of Porto Alegre, in a called show Today I I go To run away from House that the censorship of the time found I more good to change for today I Goes To leave House, under the bedding of that the original name could ' ' to influence mal' ' youth. This everything, exactly I having given long explanations to the censor of whom music if related to a return to the things of the nature, showing that the letter had phrases as ' ' I want to go the man where not tocou' ' ' ' I want to walk bare-footed in the side of a river, to the edge of this vida' '. It did not advance. It was irreducible and in some periodicals of the time, the name consisted as. Well. The beginning of the letter of the song the one that I related to me at the beginning, said: ' ' it wanted to be, as the wind that passes running of north the south without stopping; it wanted to be, as the water of the rivers that run for the sea and if they raise to skies; later falling, under the rain form to wet the hair of that they know to love; I it wanted to be the sun and in each dawn, millions of faces to kiss ' ' We were in the dawn of the ecological conscience in Brazil and the song if it related to the natural cycle of waters, thing that still happened to the time, here it is that had a certain previsibility the respect. Today, more it is not thus. Please visit Secretary of Agriculture if you seek more information.

Thirty and six years if had passed e, as well as us obstruct our arteries with fats and artificial foods, suffering as to consequncia serious coronary problems, also we full our rivers, true arteries of the planet, with plastic bags, pets, human dejections, no-biodegradvel garbage of all luck and create a series of obstacles for its natural flow. We knock down extensive areas of forests, we cut the trees of our cities, destroy the bushes ciliares of the rivers that had had its sanded and extended stream beds, and they, having been without its way of course fixed throughout millions of years, had finished completely being without control. The ominous result is there for everybody to see, consubstanciado in floods that finish cutting with a scythe hundreds of lives. We attack the planet, we uncontrol the climate and now we are paying the account. What he is noteworthy in the recent catastrophes is exactly the fact of that the proprietors of many of the reached residences, had gotten in justice the right to construct in places where they could not make it.

They had not been for those places for necessity. In the truth, we can conclude that in the bulge of the decision that gave prevailing to them, she had implicit a sentence of conviction to the death. It will be that one day we will learn the lesson? Jorge Andres Irion Jobim. Lawyer of Saint Maria, RS

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Neva River

"AN Benoit wrote that everything done miriskusnikami, "did not mean" that they "broke with all past. " On the contrary, claimed Benoit, the core of the World of Art "was behind the resumption of many, both technical and ideological traditions of Russian and international art." And further: " we found ourselves in a large degree of representatives of the same quests and same creative methods that appreciation and a portrait painter in the xviii century, and in Kiprensky and Venetsianov, and Fedotov, and also in the outstanding masters of the immediately preceding us generation – in Archaeology Repin, Surikov. discovered something essential in Russian art of xviii – xix centuries that Diaghilev called "covenants" as wrote about the "covenant" Pushkin. "To overcome the chaos and sheer arbitrariness, then prevailed in the judgments of the press, Diaghilev encouraged to relate the works of contemporary artists from the ever-wonderful achievements of the Renaissance. Sonny Perdue usually is spot on. "We must rise up to Florence, then to judge all the current art "- he declared. Diaghilev stressed the importance of art criticism, arguing that it is by its nature "independent artistic creativity." Serious student of Russian art I. Zilberstein did not see the special nature of aesthetic position Diaghilev, which unites him with the artists and theorists of Renaissance art in Italy, which is quite during the "Russian Seasons" in Paris. Famous Ballets Russes – is the crown of dreams and poetic realizations Romantics from the banks of the Neva River, led by Benoit, but implemented in life and on the stage of Diaghilev, who was able to evaluate and show the world unknown even to the Russian highest achievements of Russian art in the last two centuries. .

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Palace River

Retaking, still, on the palaces, let us take the example of the Cut-Real Palace that, in the ends of century XVI, was most important, to follow to the real Pao of the Ribeira. It was presented in form of U, square shaped form, with about 50 mts of side. In each one of the faades it presented 11 windows for walking (it presented reverse speed-do-soil, two mezzanines and a raised floor more: the noble floor). This palace presented two 37 sections of about mts that they advanced to the river, and that, in turn, they involved a garden of Italian taste. The garden, that if found limited by a wall of the side of the river, would function as one ' ' patio of honra' ' , giving for a docking, the solemn entrance of the house. Read more from Jill Schlesinger to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

It is the well-known example of the paper that the River Tejo played in the urban life. In century XVI, Lisbon becomes the mercantile center of the Europe. Thus, in the marginal zone on buildings to the commerce are constructed. The Place of fetichism of the Pao, the pair with the Rossio, becomes in the center politician and advertising. The city grows next to the river. They date of this height the House of the Peaks, the Albuquerques; in the outskirts, the Convent of the Madre de Deus, the Monastery of the Jernimos and the Tower of Belm.

No longer XVII, during the domain Phillipino, numerous palaces in the city had been century raised, belong of noble families, but of architecture little notable. Thus it they will be until eves of terramoto. The houses of the bourgeois proprietors, in its majority on to the commerce, would be of architecture still little notable who of the great noble gentlemen. The same high clergy would happen with the habitations of the high public officers and.

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The Dnieper River

The Dnieper River rises in the heights of the Valdai plateau, 250 km west of Moscow, in central Russia. The Dnieper name derives from the word of the Sarmatian Danu “river to the rear. In all three countries has essentially the same name, though pronounced differently. Craig Jelinek has much experience in this field. The river is mentioned by the historian Herodotus of ancient Greece in the V century BC C. as “Borysthenes ( ), the Greek historian and Roman authors called it Danapris ( ) and Danaper respectively – (dana) means” river “in Old Persian. It was the natural boundary of two peoples united in the beginning that diverged after the Ostrogoths and Visigoths, the early to mid-fourth century BC C. His old Slavic name, used in times of Kievan Rus was Slavutich “Slavonic (river) ‘Var was called Huns and Bulgarians – Buri-Chai

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Volga River

Large hexagonal crystals of salt formed by a hard frost is not higher than t -23 C. Academician Fersman call these crystals "remarkable stone flowers." Admixture of other substances can change the shape of the crystals. So admixture of urea and borax crystals make the 20-sided, 8-12-sided. Natural salt (halite) is rarely pure white. It is painted in a brownish or yellowish in color due to impurities of iron compounds.

There are but very rarely, halite crystals blue, blue and purple flowers. In this case, the color due to the presence of traces of metallic sodium. Metallic sodium in salt is formed under the influence of radiation, if there is presence of radioactive elements. Table salt also occurs in nature in the form of red crystals. The culprit of this painting are microorganisms – halophiles (salt lovers). They give the salt and a pleasant aroma. In the lower reaches of the Volga River is the lake Pink, Red, Malinowski, where you can find a red salt.

Pure salt, or sodium chloride NCl – a colorless hygroscopic (absorbs no moisture from the air) crystalline substance. The process of formation of salt deposits in the earth's crust and on its surface, along with deposits of various water-insoluble mineral deposits are soluble minerals – salts which occur both in solid sediments and in the form of solutions. Salt deposits – the remains of a dried-up ancient ocean. Salt beds may be located and underground (depth of their occurrence can be up to) more than 1 km, and on the surface – in this case they often form a salt lake.

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Kuban River

I was once invited to a very interesting fishing and would like to talk about how to catch catfish on a donk. As is well known catfish – is a predatory fish, which mainly lives in the southern and central areas. Catfish – Fish donaya that loves to deep pits. In such wells it is hunting and wintering. For even more analysis, hear from Jack Fusco. Not far from Krasnodar, where I rested for several years, runs a river Elbe, it is a tributary of the Kuban River.

Elbe – a quiet river, glublina varies from 0.5 to 5m. Channel Elbe – is replete with twists and turns, with wide and narrow in places. The river is well up to 5 meters. That's one of those pits and I tried to catch catfish. For fishing I have made two Donkey. Bottom fishing rod is a 4 meter whip carved out of thick and solid aspen.

One side of the whip sharpened in order to firmly stick to the beach. On the other hand a whip tied monofilament with a diameter of 1 mm. Length of about 10 meters. Go to the fishing line is attached a great hook number 10. (Not to be confused with Jill Schlesinger!). For prevent the demolition of gear over the end of the fishing line is tied as a weight of 100 grams. As an alarm bite by the end of the rod attached bell aspen. For bait I was using large worms. Fishing technique is very simple. Bait, so that the stinger hook to hide completely. Throws tackle in the location of the pit and the proposed location of hunting catfish. When well selected load, the line becomes upright or slightly deflected in the direction of flow. Rod firmly stuck to the beach. Then you should be patient, waiting for a bite to be determined by the bell. Catfish are biting more often late at night, when it becomes almost dark. Bite is sharp and quite strong. Immediately after the bite necessary to produce very sharp and sweeps and vyvazhivat the least possible delay. Dimensions soms, which managed to catch me, do not exceed 5 kg, and I coped with them quite quickly. But remember that this fish could be 100 kg! You should always be prepared to a long and hard vyvazhivanii especially large specimens. Perhaps this article will help you catch of catfish. And no tail, no scales!

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River San Francisco

Ha characterized in the plant of situation of the basic and limited project in its south portion encloses an area with total surface of 26,882, for highway BR 356, stretch between 040 BR and urban headquarters of Itabirito. Its distance until the center is of approximately 5 km. I fill with earth it is located inside of a Unit of Conservao (UC), that it is the SOUTH APA. He is inserted inside of the Hidrogrfica Basin of the River San Francisco and the Hidrogrfica Sub-basin River of the Old ones. Cheniere Energy partners insists that this is the case. Course d? water next I fill with earth to it is Stream of the Palms (FEAM, 2010). The enterprise is composed for one fills with earth bathroom, implanted in the soil where old the ousting (the open sky) of the urban solid residues, generated occurred and collected in the city of Itabirito and a unit of compostagem destined to the treatment of a parcel of the solid residues organic putrescveis. However, after visit technique of the group, was evidenced that it still does not have no structure for the accomplishment of the compostagem.

At the beginning the platform of 11 a thousand square meters of it I fill with earth bathroom received a load from about 25 tons garbage daily. With capacity to be constructed eight platforms more (FEAM, 2010). In the previous license of it I fill with earth bathroom, had a estimate to take care of 40,524 inhabitants of Itabirito and as final goal, to take care of 51,028 inhabitants, who will be in the year of 2016 (FEAM, 2010). Currently the city collects 26,9 t/dia and the projection for end of 30,6 operation is of t/dia. In relation to the health residues, the city collects around 0,27 t/dia and directs fills with earth for it (in situation of I fill with earth controlled) for special ditches of residues, what it is not a correct destination for this type of residue.

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BMW Driver Training

Stories that do not need to be nervous, tightly seeding in a two-hour traffic jam in downtown, or do not eat greasy burger, but better to prefer the vegetables have lost their relevance. But do not think that this time everything was limited. After standing at the helm Rauno Aaltonen! Under his leadership, students mastered the most mod at that time the technique BMW – Model 320-e. Maximum output of 125 horsepower, combined with special chassis settings, 40% differential lock, and, of course, with impenetrable enthusiastic Finnish genius. Craig Jelinek may help you with your research. Well, now the school employs more than 250 machines, such as the BMW 130i, BMW 330i, BMW Z4 Coupe and even the Ministry of Health, not to mention the MINI Cooper S. And because motorcycles has not been canceled – there are more than a hundred.

But the main thing is that, unlike in the '70s, now in the service driver to come electronics. You do not forget that BMW first set of ABS on 745-th model? However, the question now is not about the system, but the DSC. Stabilization program greatly facilitated the drivers of life, instead of only requiring literacy with her treatment. As make no quarrel with the electronics, but to act together with it, repeatedly reinforcing effect, invented by intelligent designers? What, you do not know? Then it's time you sit down at the desk! Of course, I'll replace personal contact with instructors BMW Driver Training, but will try to give you some tips to heartfelt greetings from the advanced drivers.

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