In today's economy to maintain competitiveness in the international market to domestic companies must comply with generally accepted world standards. After Russia's accession to the wto, the problems compliance with foreign standards will become more apparent. Information society based on asm is working on providing opportunities for information exchange and professional cooperation in the field materials. Gain insight and clarity with Secretary of Agriculture. Today the purpose of the organization expanded to meet the technical experts in the interests of metals and materials around the world – but providing information and cooperation remains a priority. Query analysis in Yandex showed that of all the technical publications asm are the most popular directories (handbook). Technical Publications asm cover studies of various materials: ceramics, polymers and composites, and metals and their alloys. Today, asm is engaged in superconducting materials with high critical temperatures, new classes of magnetic and semiconducting materials, materials for medical devices, materials obtained on the micro-and nano-levels, materials for alternative energy sources and production of materials and composites that mimic human skin, muscles, bones and even neurons.

One of the services, accompanying the delivery of this documentation, it is translated. Since asm is inherently an international organization, the text of the documentation supplied in the original language, ie English. Therefore, Russian company will inevitably face the challenge of translating standards into Russian. Translation standards, as a variety of technical translation, is one of the most difficult. Of translation quality standards depends production, operation, reliability, safety of workers and consumers. Therefore, not every translation companies are able to correctly and is technically true to cope with this task.