Kopper to study the climates of the world the climate is humid tropical savanna, with five varieties demicro clim that are classified as wet, dry desert, tropical jungle, forest and savannah. The geographic location determines the general characteristics of a pleasant climate, governed mainly by the trade winds from the northwest. Local variations are conditioned by the relief of the ridges that snake through valleys, rivers, streams and coastal plain. About 80 percent of the urban population has drinking water. However, to avoid “Caonabo revenge”, it is prudent to consume purified bottled water. Contact information is here: Cheniere Energy partners. Dermatologists insist that it is prudent sun exposure between 11:00 a.m.and 2:00 p.m advised progressive mind and protect it with sunscreen, hats and glasses. For the tan lasts, moisturize the skin daily. The annual average temperature ranges from 18 C/65 F and 27 C/81 F. A Dominican terra qualquer Dominica gr o fertile for planting. De acordo com a classifica o de W. Koppen sobre os estudos two climates, na or tropical moist dominant Savana, and tropical dry forest steppe, forests and localiza o savana.Sua geographic features as determ ine gerais de seu ad vel agr climate, governed mainly northwest hairs do ventos Al sios .As conditioned hair varia es locais est o suas relay between serpenteiam cordilheira that vouchers, rivers and plains costeiras. About 8 0 da popula o urbana disp em of pot vel ATER. No entanto, to avoid “vingan a of Caonabo” aconselh vel or emgarrafada water consumption. Com rela o ao sol, os que n o dermatologist insistem cautious exposi o ao sol entre as 11 e as 14 hours. Aconselham-se a prote o com sunscreens, chap u e oculos de sol. To um bronzed duradouro recommendations are hydrating peel s com. The Dominican fertile soil is ideal for the cultivation of grain. According to the “W.Koppen Climate Classification System, the predominant climate is best described as humid tropical savannah, with five or microclimate variations, class ified as: humid, dry steppe, tropical jungle, forest and savanna. The average annual temperature fluctuates betwwen 18 C/65 F and 27 C/81 F. So for Dominicans there is only one season namely, summer. The country’s pleasant climate may be understood in terms of its geographical location. The prevailing determinant of precipitate ion and vegetation is the northwest trade winds.