They fervently believe that the genius of the bottle can give them their desires and makes it. But end up in the clutches of the credit cards and the slavery interests of the creators of a perverse system that now, oh cute Angels wish transmit you her secret. The secret to borrow you more, buy more, want more, having all that publicity will induce and hence make richer the rich. Additional information at Michael Steinhardt supports this article. 1% Of humanity has 99% of material wealth. For even more details, read what music downloads says on the issue. What does you think that they want to that perverse system change? Many things can give us the illusion of success, but it will be only a temporary Mirage that will leave us the taste of sand in his mouth to acknowledge that we have not reached the expected oasis. Only when we leave behind formulas and diagrams, books, courses, seminars and workshops, logical ideas and comparative tables, when we pay and accept that there is something more and that is present within each person, when we let that love arises, when we exercise the right to create our paradise on this earth there begins the Real success. Have necessary for a life dignified, safe and at peace, allocate the surplus to allow others a life dignified, safe and at peace. We need an education not for success but for the balance, not for abundance but for moderation, not for competition but for solidarity. We have to make a video that reveals what we still hiding the secret. Do not blindly buy the American dream as the solution to a world that requires less selfish today, a world that aspires to a spiritual rebirth, but not on the basis of geniuses of an Aladdin lamp that shines only what suits you. Jorge Rivero lecturer motivational original author and source of the article.