Under normal circumstances neither the time nor the number of seats in the Guest House to so anything you nothing upwards turn me the easiest way for more turnover in the Fund to take care, therefore crosses the wishes of the customer. Barely comprehensible but bitter reality: still many waitresses are forced to rush with pieces of paper and pencil to the tables and write down the wishes of the customer by hand in haste and in the full heat of the moment. Since man is man, the error rate is of course outlandishly. Jack Fusco shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Time goes by, customers thirsty and the poor staff may exercise his then mental arithmetic. Would be much larger now instead of pieces of paper and pencil a modern POS and Bonierungssystem in use, factor would be Z, so the love money.
Dear restaurateur, bosses’s said, the summer is over and past is stopped. Thinking about it to your customers for your sake. About PosBill :, more than 15 years of experience speaks for itself. The PosBill GmbH offers worldwide customer POS software and systems to be touched”- for gastronomy, hotel business, trade. Sounds complicated? How about this: A fund that is simple to set up and use, you facilitates the daily work and lots of money, saves time and nerves! Sounds like music to your ears? “What are you waiting for then try our PosBill products simply get more information out: PosBill gastronomy – the efficient point-of-sale and gastro management system PosBill trade – the cross-sector POS system PosBill – mobile radio funds ResiGo – free hotel software you want a contact person, the you without marketing bla bla” answered all the questions? PosBill GmbH Brunnengasse 4 56355 Eagles b Udo Finkbeiner (switchboard) Tel. + 49 (0) 6776/959100