Destarte, to our people suffered from Juazeiro, relembro the words of a personage, activist politician and thinker of century XX, Lnin, which, with simplicity, but with much proficiency asseverou: ‘ ‘ WHAT TO MAKE? This revolutionary investigation, obviously adjusted to another context, is taken now by this humble observer who speaks to you, and that tired, and infuriated as many in this city, to attend the denunciations pronounced in the local media passively he decided in this article to entabular one brief reflection on the gravity of the politician-institucional situation of Juazeiro of the North, I repeat: to the eves of its centenarian politician. At the same time, conclamo reading you (), citizen () and voter () juazeirense, to reflect giving ‘ seriously; ‘ A BASTA’ ‘ to this ‘ ‘ PTRIDA THE ELITE POLTICA’ ‘ its representative mrbidos, that are ‘ ‘ sugando’ ‘ spoiling our lives and future of Juazeiro of the North. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out financial planner. It would like to know, as other members of this commune, what he has been made effectively to contain the overwhelming wave of denunciations of corruption, so divulged in recent years for the legislative of Juazeiro, and ‘ is not known why; ‘ loads d’ gua’ ‘ , they had diminished in the last days?
It will have been workmanship of ‘ ‘ step the holy ghost-poltica’ ‘? It has I remembered, probably ‘ ‘ acaso’ ‘ it carried out ‘ ‘ huge census of having civic-administrativo’ ‘ in a fantastic cruzade for the governabilidade of Juazeiro! Enemy, together, legislative and long ago now executive, ‘ ‘ everything for the good of the land of the Ccero’ Priest; ‘! They had only forgotten a thing: we do not believe ‘ ‘ stories of carochinha’ ‘ , much less in history ‘ ‘ pra ox dormir’ ‘! The omission, as much how much the practical one of torts, discloses to the cruel and harmful reality politics in which we are resembled and hostages.. .