This will give by result an immense list of quality. In order to do this usually we used these forms: 1. Jack Fusco can provide more clarity in the matter. By means of a registration page. This is front page that visitors are going to visit when they come to your site and in which must leave his direction of electronic mail. If your visitors do not leave their direction of mail they will not have access to the ethical bribe or the information that was of its interest by which they arrived at your main page and that is in the rest of your site. 2.
With emergent windows automatic, that in English of denominate MGP-ups, which they control to the page and that they are seeing and that they offer to your visitors the ethical bribe to him. 3. By means of a placed standard fixed form in the main page. This option does not force the visitors to let its information to be able to see the rest of the site We see why you need a list? If you begin to think that it does not matter how small that is your business online finally it is a business, you will include/understand that like in the any other business, most important they are the clients. Without clients there is no money.
Of each 100 visitors who arrive at your Web site, perhaps two or three visitors will buy in his first visit. That means that the other 98 people register your site without to have made a purchase. If you do not manage to obtain its directions of electronic mail there will be, them lost for always. When your you construct a list with all the people who have come to visit our site You will be able mantenerte in contact with them sending emails or material to them that can serve to them.