All the internment process can cause in the child and a its familiar negative psychological impact, that in the future can repulse any gone to the doctor, or repudiate any professional of the health area, to take the remedies or to adhere to the proper treatment. Therefore a blockade for the experience lived deeply in its occurs treatment process. It is taken by feelings of estresse after-traumatic when he does not happen a quality of life and well-being of the patient during the treatments. Arcabouo constructed by the cancer desconfigura the structure of a familiar system starting for its discovery. Learn more about this with Danone. At this moment bigger when this exists a difficulty acomete a child, has a differentiated vision, as it tells to Valle (2001, p.17) ‘ ‘ to the diagnosis of the infantile cancer the family, not only is the beginning of discouraging effect on all on the child.

Also the family is victim of the infantile cancer. One of the reasons that they justify this effect is the conception of that the children must necessarily survive to pais’ ‘. With this the natural order of development of the vital cycle is inverted, and the fear of a child to die in this way is that it affects all the familiar structure. It is in this direction that the family of the sick child many times prevents to speak on any referring subject to the death, the adult assumes that child does not have cognitiva capacity to understand what it is death, then, it tries to minimize the way to display for the child its suffering, its pain to save it. According to Kovcs (1992, p.49) ‘ ‘ To not speaking, the adult believes to be protecting the child, as if this protection alliviated pain and changed the reality magically.

What it occurs is that the child if feels confused and abandoned without having with who conversar’ ‘. In contrast of what the adults imagine, the children perceive the distrusts, you distress them and the fears who encircle its family, and mainly its cuidador during all the process of the illness. In what it says respect to the understanding of death created for the child Towers (2002), that it has a series of implications that involve the chronological age, the cognitivo development and the real experiences of death on the part of it. Moreover, the children have notion of what she is happening in its environment, although not to express of direct form its feelings, but they transfer to the drawings, games and histories and this experience remain in its psiquismo, and therefore it is related with its development.