As you’ve heard, investment funds have become the only choice when wanting to generate profits, since putting your money in the Bank already you don’t win as before. Start investing always is a big step, because it has to end with doubts to be able to make a good investment. Here are some of the advantages that have investment funds, so animes you to invest. Greater profitability as a whole: this may be the main advantage of the funds, because together the capital of many investors is generated a large volume of money which can generate greater profitability in comparison with a personal investment. Better access: enter an investment fund is to enter the world of investments that thanks to the service of the financial group has access. Being in an investment fund is the possibility of investing in a greater number of options including foreign securities. By professional decisions: investing in a mutual fund is to raise the money from many people, small investors that how you want to grow your money. Although over time are going to turning on the world of investments, in a home does not have much information, for that is your financial group, to answer all your questions as well as offering you the service of intermediary between you and the Fund.