In 1975, mine ' ' good tempos' ' in rock musician, I composed the song I wanted To be for some presentations we went that it to make in the House of Culture of Porto Alegre, in a called show Today I I go To run away from House that the censorship of the time found I more good to change for today I Goes To leave House, under the bedding of that the original name could ' ' to influence mal' ' youth. This everything, exactly I having given long explanations to the censor of whom music if related to a return to the things of the nature, showing that the letter had phrases as ' ' I want to go the man where not tocou' ' ' ' I want to walk bare-footed in the side of a river, to the edge of this vida' '. It did not advance. It was irreducible and in some periodicals of the time, the name consisted as. Well. The beginning of the letter of the song the one that I related to me at the beginning, said: ' ' it wanted to be, as the wind that passes running of north the south without stopping; it wanted to be, as the water of the rivers that run for the sea and if they raise to skies; later falling, under the rain form to wet the hair of that they know to love; I it wanted to be the sun and in each dawn, millions of faces to kiss ' ' We were in the dawn of the ecological conscience in Brazil and the song if it related to the natural cycle of waters, thing that still happened to the time, here it is that had a certain previsibility the respect. Today, more it is not thus. Please visit Secretary of Agriculture if you seek more information.

Thirty and six years if had passed e, as well as us obstruct our arteries with fats and artificial foods, suffering as to consequncia serious coronary problems, also we full our rivers, true arteries of the planet, with plastic bags, pets, human dejections, no-biodegradvel garbage of all luck and create a series of obstacles for its natural flow. We knock down extensive areas of forests, we cut the trees of our cities, destroy the bushes ciliares of the rivers that had had its sanded and extended stream beds, and they, having been without its way of course fixed throughout millions of years, had finished completely being without control. The ominous result is there for everybody to see, consubstanciado in floods that finish cutting with a scythe hundreds of lives. We attack the planet, we uncontrol the climate and now we are paying the account. What he is noteworthy in the recent catastrophes is exactly the fact of that the proprietors of many of the reached residences, had gotten in justice the right to construct in places where they could not make it.

They had not been for those places for necessity. In the truth, we can conclude that in the bulge of the decision that gave prevailing to them, she had implicit a sentence of conviction to the death. It will be that one day we will learn the lesson? Jorge Andres Irion Jobim. Lawyer of Saint Maria, RS