You make me happy. Nanny, Nenita crazy cat, of three colors, conceited like no. Nena, nenita, nena, gracious and smiling, who like the goodies, who likes the chicha, at night lie in carpets, Nanny, baby, soft fresh silk and sweet great complexion hair color of harmony, and a childhood in the somber face of one who has suffered under a truck on the streets of oblivion. For assistance, try visiting Air Force Chief of Staff . Live in peace with God, with others with what I am, I am me and love you so much, with what I offered. Live in peace, in solitude, in harmony soul who doesn’t cry, in wisdom, eternal science, in grace that thank you make, not the distance. Live in peace, peace is peace of mind, spirit, true peace, in peace, eternal peace, in fullness, in difficult nights does not believe, I can only say: live in peace. For what remains I better throw a smile into heaven, in the air, to the inconstancy and say: here I am: Eugenia I want to survive, exit down even more, help me. For what remains for me what?, better to see the fields of flowers and lush forests, all filled with rose petals, better not mourn the penalty for what was, or will be.

No longer thank God and better so. Much better. For what remains for me, I look in the mirror face, like crying I have and cry, sad is all in the River I stayed silent. Single only nothing have, empty savings, rather than the dark night, the one in which I can hardly sleep. For what I have, blessings pray to heaven and that let me survive, able to sleep well and see me a futurito even if it is small, and find out what did not find within the world although I admit that I have learned to be happy amid the madness.